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Roll Session

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:07 am
by kingpin
Does anyone know when and where the next roll session might be? I had planned to attend the one on the 24th, but i have over-booked myself and can not make it. Thanks!

Re: Roll Session

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:57 pm
by turboturtle
Session in LR was this evening. Wednsday is the new weekday we have to utilize the pool at UALR. And during the fall, Saturday afternoons are scheduled unless their is a swim meet.

Re: Roll Session

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 6:39 pm
by kingpin
Thank You!

Re: Roll Session

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:45 pm
by Minna Ulmer
So in the fall (date?) UALR pool roll sessions are on Saturdays? If so that is good news for me cause driving up on a week nite from el dorado is kinda hard.However I am going to try to soon.Minna

Re: Roll Session

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:09 pm
by wdwlodge
New to the sport and was planning on going to pool session at UALR. Is the session on 7/30 firm? What time does it start/end? Are helmets required? Will there be any helpful folks there to point a newbee in the right direction down the road to proper rolling technique?


Re: Roll Session

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:42 pm
by turboturtle
I forgot to ask today. I didn't see anything on the schedule which would keep us out however. If the J Tard doesn't post by morning I will about nine-thirty. Paddlers start showing up around Five to wash boats and pile into the pool as soon as they can. If I show, I can bring a boat big and comfortable enough for Sasquatch. What I can't provide is any S. H. I. T. Thats " Super High Intensity Training" "for the lanlubers"! I might could be bribed into illustrating what not to do! I'll be the dude "in" the Yellow Submarine! w/o a helmet or lifelacket I might add!

Re: Roll Session

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:34 am
by JTarver
Pool session info at a glance :

Starts shortly after fall school session starts....which will be in a few weeks. I will post accordingly to let the new people know. Don't fret. It'll happen. When it does..the sessions will be from 2-5 pm on saturdays...and 5-7 on wednesdays..barring any unforseen swim meets.

I post usually the day before to keep it fresh on the front page for new folks. Sometimes the board pages move fast..and instead of bumping it, I found it easier to just do it this way.

Currently: Pool times are wednesdays from 5-7 pm. We have to be out of the door by 7 pm...otherwise the lifeguards get testy with us. They are ready to go home, so we try to keep on their good sides. Lifejacket and helmet not required..but if youre going to wear one on the river, why not get used to it in the pool at least a little bit. It will help the acclimation process, I promise. Wash it afterward, the pool chemicals will break down gear over time.

This wednesday session ( 7-30 ) is firm, I will not post it otherwise. However..that being said, there have been times we get thunderstorms, event conflicts that they don't tell me about when I check, or pool malfunction problems that doe occasionally occur. Keep that in mind.

Translating to: Don't shoot the messenger.
As far as someone being there to help you learn to roll, I can't promise that. Usually they are folks there able to help, but such is not always the case. I would advise to work out something with a tutor beforehand if at all possible. I am usually at Rockport this time of year, but if I am ever there feel free to ask me for any help. I will do what I can. I most often resemble my avatar.

I hope this helps, if you have any further questions please don't hesitate to PM me. I will respond as quickly as I possibly can.

Although sometimes I don't have as much free time as the DSC workers, as they don't really have to work a whole lot. Mainly they tend to roam about aimlessly, at their leisure, soakin up the rays of happiness that come with so few time constraints. Ahhh to be so free. I can dream. :poke:


Re: Roll Session

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:26 pm
by turboturtle
You can keep on dreaming too weedhopper! I work! and yes with far fewer time constraints than the most abused department in the Phsyical Plant. You will never see the light of day where you are now. Good luck with that. Oh, and my pool game has improved since being there. Ha Ha!

Re: Roll Session

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:11 pm
by JTarver
Of course I see the light of day. Especially today...when all there was light from our closest loving star..who continually burns us to death in hundred degree plus heat day after day. I swear, why didn't they just build this city on the sun!