NW Chapter float- Ft. Smith, September 11, 2022

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Name: Stephanie Burchfield

NW Chapter float- Ft. Smith, September 11, 2022

Post by StephB » Fri Sep 02, 2022 12:26 pm

When: Sunday, September 11, 2022 at 12:30pm
Where: Ft. Smith Powers' Port Canoe Access (35.4354073, -94.4106768)

This is a flatwater paddle on the calm & scenic backwaters of the Arkansas River at Ft Smith. All paddle craft welcome: canoes, kayaks, SUPs, etc. There are multiple loops you can choose that launch and land at the Powers’ Port access point. If you shuttle with someone, you can paddle down river (East Chute on map) to the Ft. Smith Park boat ramp. Wind conditions might influence your route.

All participants must be an Arkansas Canoe Club member and sign the online waiver before launching. (This helps us provide protection for you, our volunteers, and the club.)
ACC membership link:
Online waiver:

Safety Points:
* All boaters must wear their life jacket
As per Arkansas boater laws:
* No glass containers
* Beverages in a floating holder
* Cooler lids fastened securely
* Trash bags should be secured
Strongly Recommended:
* Daytime signaling device (whistle).
* Device to bail water- a pump or a scoop (a bleach or laundry detergent bottle with the top screwed on and the bottom cut off works great!
* Cell phone with navigation map in waterproof case.

Boaters are responsible for their own safety. We suggest launching in pods of 4-5 paddlers with similar abilities, goals, and ensure your pod has at least two charged cell phones (waterproof cases are life savers) and a 6-12’ tow line. Never leave an individual alone.
We will flag Arkansas Canoe Club volunteers helping at the launch and scattered among the boaters.

Don’t forget hat, sunscreen & water! Optional supper at Rolandos afterwards.

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