Multi-day oar raft trip down the Buffalo

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Joined: Thu Apr 22, 2021 1:12 pm
Name: Eric F.

Multi-day oar raft trip down the Buffalo

Post by BuffaloPaddler » Thu Apr 22, 2021 1:44 pm

Hello everyone. I am a new member to the board. I've found myself here a handful of times over the years when searching for Arkansas floating info. You're a really good group. Very helpful with lots of useful info. I finally decided to join so I can post and share stories. I live in Colorado but I have been coming down to float the Buffalo every spring since the late 80's. I consider NW Arkansas my home away from home, so to speak.

I've always been a canoeist and a kayaker but I just bought myself a 14' whitewater raft with a rowing frame and I decided what would be a more fitting inaugural float trip with the new raft then going on a multi-day trip down the Buffalo. I want to familiarize myself with the new skills required with rowing on some relatively calm water. The fact that the lower Buffalo should be runnable this time of year and has calmer water than what you find upstream it seemed like a great idea. Especially since I missed my March/April canoe trip to the upper Buffalo the last two years (20/21). I am aiming to put in at Gilbert and take out at Shipps Ferry in early June if the river levels allow.

Do any members have any experience with a trip like this on the Buffalo? I've always wanted to float the lower section but the urge to float the upper in early spring has always kept me from doing it. The furthest downriver I have floated is Woolum on some lower water level trips. I am really liking the idea of doing it with a raft as it will allow so much more cargo to be carried, adding to the enjoyment level at camp. I would love to hear others opinions/stories relating to this.

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