Join me in a Class II-II+ creek outing

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Join me in a Class II-II+ creek outing

Post by CAPTAIN ALEVE » Wed May 20, 2020 1:08 pm

The next time there is water in Big Cove Creek I plan to ease down two miles of this small waterway. It's located about 15 miles north of Hot Springs Village, flowing under a bridge on Highway 7. Photos of the creek can be seen on Flickr at ... 902926418/

The creek is narrow, shallow, rocky, and has a fair amount of brush you will have to zigzag through, and some vertical and horizontal trees to dodge. I have hiked it all and confirmed that there are no impassable spots. Accurate boat control in briskly flowing chutes will get you down the creek. It doesn't have any major rapids (as you can tell from the pictures). For comparison, the wavy rapids of Cadron Creek are a lot bigger than anything on Big Cove. In places it has alternate channels that you don't want to take because they end in log jams or heavy brush. There are several calm pools, but there is much less still water than there is briskly flowing meanders through shady chutes. Good steering ability will get you through to the take out at Highway 7. Post here if you are interested in coming along.

The first photo below is from the biggest (only?) rapid in the two mile sprint, and it's a straight shot.

Mike Coogan, alias Captain Aleve
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Last edited by CAPTAIN ALEVE on Wed May 27, 2020 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Jim Krueger
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Re: Join me in a Class II-II+ creek outing

Post by Jim Krueger » Tue May 26, 2020 5:41 pm

Nice to see your post, that looks like a pretty run. I'll try and look at the board a bit more often to see if anything develops.

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Re: Join me in a Class II-II+ creek outing

Post by CAPTAIN ALEVE » Wed May 27, 2020 1:31 pm

Hi Jim,
I am still alive and have some free time since visitors are not allowed in the nursing home at this time. Jamie seems to be doing okay without my daily attention, thank goodness.

I may have missed an opportunity to paddle Big Cove Creek this week. I had a molar extracted last Thursday and am not feeling like doing much at the present time. It could have been run two Mondays ago, the only day I had something scheduled in quite a while. Calvin Doody and I went there the next day, but the level had dropped too much. The creek is a novelty, just something to do without asking much from the paddler. It will be a good skill tester for newer paddlers, requiring weaving between brush clumps and rocks. The idea of just getting in the boat and letting the creek do most of the work while I steer and gawk at the scenery (and watch for newly fallen trees) appeals to me, especially since I haven't been paddling in so long. I'm pretty much a marshmallow.

Mike Coogan, alias Captain Aleve
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Re: Join me in a Class II-II+ creek outing

Post by Jim Krueger » Thu May 28, 2020 8:36 am


A marshmallow indeed, the last tooth I had removed was a molar quite some years ago. I had my dentist send me to an oral surgeon so I could be put out completely. I didn't want to be present for the proceedings, with the doctor going at it with that pair of cow de-horners... I was definitely not wanting to do much for a few days afterward.
I'm so glad to hear that Jamie is doing as well as possible, I thought about the two of you recently and the difficulties this present situation could pose. I had my mother in a nursing home for a couple of years and would visit her about every day. I can only be thankful she's not having to endure this now.
I haven't been anywhere paddling yet this year but hope to at least try for some time on the Caddo when I can.

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Re: Join me in a Class II-II+ creek outing

Post by CAPTAIN ALEVE » Fri Jun 05, 2020 3:52 pm

Looks like Cristobal will deliver water to Big Cove Creek on Tuesday if the National Hurricane Center's prediction is accurate. Slots are filling now for a Covid19 safe outing (masks and six foot spacing, please) on this novelty creek. There's not much to it besides steering past rocks and brush. If you can slow your boat down, catch eddies, and turn left and right, you will probably have all the skills you need. There is a Forest Service road that parallels the creek and is never far from it in case you desire to quit because it's too dull or too hot or (heaven forbid) some water splashed on your PFD. Could be a fun weekday excursion.

Mike Coogan, alias Captain Aleve
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Re: Join me in a Class II-II+ creek outing

Post by fireman2012 » Sun Jun 07, 2020 1:11 pm

I was curious if you think an open boat can make it down this little creek I just picked up a Sunburst II and looking to float somewhere this week with all the rain coming in. Are your plans to float it on Tuesday?


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Re: Join me in a Class II-II+ creek outing

Post by Jim Krueger » Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:01 pm

I think you're correct on the possible weather situation. I'm going to be out on this one though. Our old dog, Blackie, is having some issues and currently in the doggy hospital, it looks like Marlo and I will be sticking pretty close to home for the foreseeable future.

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Re: Join me in a Class II-II+ creek outing

Post by CAPTAIN ALEVE » Sun Jun 07, 2020 5:06 pm

I really feel like the Sunburst canoe will be too long to be able to navigate between the obstacles on this creek and have a pleasant day. Kayaks under 10 feet in length that turn quickly are what's best suited for this trip. Longer boats will require a much higher skill level. There should be lots of other trips forming in the days immediately after Cristobal's passage. Keep an eye on this forum; let others know what your paddling skill level is, how your boat is outfitted, and if you have been to a paddling class or not. They will have an idea of whether or not your skill is sufficient for a particular outing, not just for your safety but for theirs also if they have to rescue you and your boat.

Mike Coogan, alias Captain Aleve
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Re: Join me in a Class II-II+ creek outing

Post by fireman2012 » Sun Jun 07, 2020 5:16 pm

Alright thanks for the information looking at the pictures I thought the length might be an issue but sounds like a fun trip I hope it works out and you have a great trip Thanks

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Re: Join me in a Class II-II+ creek outing

Post by CAPTAIN ALEVE » Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:30 pm

I'll check the radar rainfall summary Tuesday morning to see if a paddle down the creek is possible; it's iffy right now. If it is, I'd like to meet at the take out bridge in the morning, time not set yet, 10:00 a.m. would be the EARLIEST possible I could be there. I'll post here in the morning.

Mike Coogan, alias Captain Aleve
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Re: Join me in a Class II-II+ creek outing

Post by CAPTAIN ALEVE » Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:45 am

Based on 3" of rain at the nearby S. Fourche gage we are going. Should be at the bridge by 11:00. Text me if you are coming. 501-681-2314

Mike Coogan, alias Captain Aleve
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Big Cove Creek Trip report from June 9, 2020

Post by CAPTAIN ALEVE » Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:40 pm

Calvin Doody and I made a run down two miles of the creek Tuesday around noon. No flips. More water would have helped by covering more of the rocks. I had to get in the water once to cool off. The amount of maneuvering required was a real workout. Video to be processed later.
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Big Cove msg board 3 lo res.jpg

Mike Coogan, alias Captain Aleve
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