Ouachita River Shuttle 8/1

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Joined: Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:16 am
Name: Ellanorah Wilson

Ouachita River Shuttle 8/1

Post by MissEllie » Tue Jul 30, 2019 2:19 pm

I have friends coming in from out of town. The dam is releasing all day Thursday so I am taking them down from Remmel to the ledge. We plan on doing it in the morning. One of the guys it will be his first paddle.

I need to work out a shuttle from the ledge back to the dam so I don't have to bring two cars.

Anyone interested in doing that stretch? Or if you live in the area are you willing to give me a lift back up to get my truck.

501-247-5935 call or text.

Miss Ellie

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