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Boatball, Wed, June 5, 6 pm till Dark, Riverside Park,West Fork

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 11:33 am
by wiredforsound
Boatball this Wednesday, June 5, 6 pm till Dark, at the Riverside Park in West Fork.

Here is address you can put into your GPS if you need directions to Riverside Park:
131 Main Street, West Fork, AR 72774

Please post up if you plan on joining us. Those that have to drive a good distance will appreciate you for saving them time/gas, if we're not going to have enough for a game.

Be sure & check back here before you head out. I will make every effort to post up here by 4:30 to let you know if game is still on or if we need to cancel due to lack of players or weather conditions deteriorate.

Link to information on what boatball is & the "rules" of play, if interested, can be found here:

Don't hesitate to text or call me if you have any questions, 4seven9.three8one.5nine9five.
Also, If you'd like to be notified via text of game schedule / status, just let me know.


Note: All players are required to wear a PFD and a helmet. All players understand they play boatball at their own risk.

Re: Boatball, Wed, June 5, 6 pm till Dark, Riverside Park,West Fork

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 1:10 pm
by wiredforsound
Load dem boats! GAME ON :hammer2: :hammer2: