Hwy 23 Bridge over the Mulberry River

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Brad Wimberly
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Name: Brad Wimberly

Hwy 23 Bridge over the Mulberry River

Post by Brad Wimberly » Sun Jun 04, 2017 10:27 am

AHTD Job 040621

The Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD) is planning to replace the existing Hwy 23 Bridge over the Mulberry River. Below is a summary of the four proposed alternative actions and my opinion on each.
Click on the following links to view the proposals and a comment form.
http://arkansashighways.com/public_meet ... 40621.aspx
Access maps and blank comment form

● Not a viable option.
● According to the AHTD engineers, the existing bridge has structural problems that must be addressed.

● Not a viable option.
● It would be the most expensive option by far.
● Rehabbed bridge would only be 4’ wider than the existing structure.
● Bridge would be closed 12 weeks during the renovation.

● Putting a new Pony Truss bridge that is 14’ wider than the existing bridge on the existing concrete piers.
● The widening would include a 6’ shoulder and guardrail on each side.
● Cost is expected to be considerably less than ALTERNATE 1.
● Highway would be closed 2 weeks while the old bridge is removed and the new prefabricated bridge is bolted down in its place.
● ALTERNATES 1 and 2 would call for the removal of all trees lining the roadway between the Turner Bend Store and the bridge. This would degrade the aesthetics of the property.

● Build a new wider Pony Truss bridge and roadway approach immediately to the west of the existing bridge and approach.
● This is expected to be the least expensive alternative and would be all new construction.
● There would be no highway closure during the construction.
● The east side of the highway would be left as is; no tree removal, but all trees would be removed from the west side of the roadway slope.
o Shifting the highway several feet west would consume AHTD property now used for parking by people owning their own boats. The path to the river just downstream of the bridge would no longer be an alternative access for people owning their own boats;
o The Turner Bend Campground would be less desirable with the highway being much closer to it.
Groups such the annual Arkansas Canoe Club School of Whitewater Paddling would need replacement camping space.
● There would be more useable space in front of the Turner Bend Store.
● There is a possibility that the existing bridge would be left as a pedestrian bridge. This would help keep the Turner Bend Store viable. “Leave it and they will come.”

● ALTERNATE 3 makes the most sense. It would be the least expensive option. It would be all new construction and hopefully the new bridge would be as handsome as the existing bridge. The highway would not be closed during construction. The Turner Bend campground would be negatively impacted, but the store would be a little further off the highway improving public safety.
● A public access to the Mulberry at the junction of HWY 23 is long overdue, as people continue to buy their own kayaks and come to Turner Bend and the Mulberry River. The public has been accessing the Mulberry on the west side of Hwy 23 for many years. The bridge replacement project will likely reduce the useable space at Turner Bend making the current overcrowding much worse. The public cannot expect the privately owned landing on the east side of Turner Bend to always be open for use by those owning their own boats. The bridge replacement project and the construction of a public access can be planned and constructed at the same time.
● The best spot for a public access is the north end of the Turner Bend campground. This property is already being used largely for this purpose and could be purchased by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission or some other entity. The campsites in this location will be compromised to the point of being somewhat undesirable if the highway moves west so it makes sense to relocate these sites to the nearby Round The Bend property. Turner Bend would miss having these campsites, but having a nearby public access would be beneficial to the store and would relieve the overcrowding.
● The Forest Service field across the Mulberry from the Turner Bend campground is also an option for a public access point should it be decided that it makes a better location than the north end of the existing Turner Bend campground. The complexity of working with the federal government may be a factor.
● Retention of the existing bridge as a pedestrian bridge would be a great attraction and would generate tourism revenue and taxes for Franklin County and the State of Arkansas.

Owner / Manager of Turner Bend since 1981

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Re: Hwy 23 Bridge over the Mulberry River

Post by wiredforsound » Sun Jun 04, 2017 3:32 pm


Thanks for the update. Just printed off the comment form & will be sending my vote in for option 3. It seems to be best long term alternative and one that could help preserve the value of your investment, as well as, be the best of the options for the paddling community.
Having witnessed all the changes since you took over, I really appreciate all the hard work you've done & the service you've provided for the paddling community & am hopeful that this change will benefit you and your family.
Turner Bend has been a part of my paddling experience since day 1, since my first paddling trip was on the Mighty Mulberry & of course included a stop at Turner Bend. :D
Jeff Neisler (aka wiredforsound, formerly known as Godzilla)

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Re: Hwy 23 Bridge over the Mulberry River

Post by Flapjack » Sun Jun 04, 2017 3:47 pm

Thanks for posting your thoughts, Brad. When everyone sends in your comments Please stress the need for a public access. There is a real need for access at 23 hwy and now is the time to make it happen. Dennis

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Re: Hwy 23 Bridge over the Mulberry River

Post by wiredforsound » Mon Jun 05, 2017 4:02 pm


Comment forms must be mailed by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 14, 2017 to: Arkansas Highway and Transportation Dept., Environmental Div., P.O. Box 2261, Little Rock, AR, 72203-2261. Email: environmentalpimeetings@ahtd.ar.gov.

Here is link:

http://arkansashighways.com/public_meet ... 20Form.pdf

Takes less than 5 minutes of your time. As Dennis said, be sure & also stress need for public access on your comment forms.
Jeff Neisler (aka wiredforsound, formerly known as Godzilla)

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Re: Hwy 23 Bridge over the Mulberry River

Post by prophet » Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:05 am

thanks Brad bump. this prob needs a sticky to keep up top, recreation and paddling related tourism need to be promoted and this important spot protected as much as possible

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