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Bayou Deview 5/14/2016

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 6:13 pm
by DeBo
Last scheduled wet land float is near. Saturday May 14, we will meet at TRicks in Hazen exit 193 off I 40 at 10am. Water levels are good and weather looks fine. The plan is to put in at Hickson Lake, join the main trail and paddle up stream to the eagle nest, then cut through the woods and connect with the trail downstream. We will have lunch on Whiskey Island and take out at Apple Lake. The distance should be about 5 miles and no portages will be needed. Bring sunscreen and bug spray just in case.

Re: Bayou Deview 5/14/2016

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 9:22 pm
by lalyle
Yay! I finally have a wetlands tour in my sights with no schedule conflict! See you in Hazen!

Re: Bayou Deview 5/14/2016

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 8:13 am
by lalyle
Debo, if I'm the only one going today and you'd rather save some gas or plan an alternate body of water, I'm open to whatever. 515-3722