Upper Caddo tomorrow, Sat. 5 March

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Jim Krueger
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Upper Caddo tomorrow, Sat. 5 March

Post by Jim Krueger » Fri Mar 04, 2016 1:21 pm

Chris Crawford, myself, and possibly others are planning to float the Caddo River tomorrow, probably Narrows to Glenwood section.
We will meet other interested parties at the Glenwood Hwy. 70 Bridge (downstream side) at 10:30-10:45. Hopefully the level should still be about 6' or a little above.
The weather looks to be very nice however the water is still seriously cold so dress accordingly.

Best Regards

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Jim Krueger
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Re: Upper Caddo tomorrow, Sat. 5 March

Post by Jim Krueger » Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:24 am

It was a very nice day and first Caddo trip of the season for me yesterday. Chris, Gary, and I made up our crew, and aside from one fairly large outdoor group from Dallas, and a couple of other single canoes, we pretty much had the river to ourselves.
It is always interesting to me to make first trips of the season to see any changes in a stream since the previous floating season. Due to the latest high water event last year, there have been some significant changes we noticed, mainly in the large amounts of gravel stripped from gravel bars and deposited in the pools and chutes downstream. To me, this was most noticeable in the first third or half of the section. Several of the former routes were completely high and dry now while other new routes have opened up. The level when we put in yesterday was about 6.20' and this was just enough that the three of us could pick our way downstream without any major dragging in the upper part of the section. In the last few years, a minimum level might have been in the 5.60' range however yesterday's float indicated to me that the minimum level may need to be revised upward for a satisfactory float. Besides the changes in the gravel amounts, there is very little wood along the way. The river seems to be swept pretty clean of any trees or root balls.
We did notice one man-made problem that was significant, surely preventable, and now most regrettable. About a mile or so above Glenwood there is a line of eight or more fairly new vacation houses on river left, some two or three homes still being under construction. Evidently, one of the owners may have left a pile of construction materials and or trash piled up on site and didn't get it properly secured before the river came up and carried it all downstream. So, there is now a real ugly line of plastic sheeting and other types of material draping the trees, up to twenty feet high, for a quarter mile or so downstream. I do wish the responsible parties could be made to clean this mess up.

Best Regards

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