Current River vs Eleven Point

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Current River vs Eleven Point

Post by FireNinja » Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:48 pm

I have paddled the Current river alot over the years but never the Eleven point...How does the eleven point compare to the current and which do you like best...thx...

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Re: Current River vs Eleven Point

Post by kru1 » Wed Feb 17, 2016 9:20 pm

You should have paddled the Buffalo this last weekend, but I will let that slide.

I've paddled a lot of the rivers in that region and prefer the 11pt. There appears to be less traffic on the 11pt, particularly in the motor boat variety. However, I feel that Jack's Creek is pretty similar. I'm just not crazy about the motor boating on the Current, however, it might just be the times I was there. Maybe others can chime in and prove me wrong.

The 11pt is closer (to us) and the shuttles are cheap. Scenery is there and the float camps are great, although, I tend to still camp on gravel bars or make my own camp.

I can't comment on the fishing, as I tend to play in my boat the whole time and never have dropped a line.

Can't go wrong with either, I just prefer the 11pt.

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Re: Current River vs Eleven Point

Post by Deuce » Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:17 am

If you love the Current you'll love the EP even more. As Kristian said it's more accessible, shuttle prices are much lower and jet boats are much less prevalent (but not absent). In my experience the jet boat hatch begins to increase a couple miles above Riverton. The river is similar to the upper Current with a woodsy, intimate feel. Flow is excellent and there are some must see side hikes just a few steps from the water. Fishing is great. There are fewer gravel bars compared to the Current and Buff so bear that in mind when looking for a home for the night. My favorite place to camp is a big island (yes, I know we're not supposed to camp on islands but this one is really big and high; just use common sense) about halfway between Greer Spring and Riverton. It has a name but I can't recall what it is. We use Richard's Canoe for our shuttle. He's a character.
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Re: Current River vs Eleven Point

Post by Randy Dodson » Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:36 am

I'll play the devil's advocate. I think the Current is a prettier river with prettier springs and bluffs, and if it's late fall or early spring, there's not much power boat traffic. In fact, there's not much traffic of any kind. Usually nothing more than a few other canoes and or kayaks.
If it's during the warmer months, yeah, I'd rather be on the Eleven Point due to less crowds and power boats. Plus the E.P. has the advantage of Hall's Bay Chute once you get down close to Riverton, which actually has a pretty decent surfing wave. :canoe:

Since you've never paddled the E.P., you owe it to yourself to check it out. Just because I prefer the Current does not mean that I don't truly love BOTH rivers.
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Re: Current River vs Eleven Point

Post by Rustynuts » Thu Feb 25, 2016 2:22 pm

Just did Greer to Riverton last weekend feb 20-21 be mind full of the severe flood at the end of last year has made some changes, mostly in large trees down everywhere, gravel bars missing or moved and one must portage river wide tree strainer about a mile below Witten access. And Halls Bay has had some rocks moved around, I personally think the wave has a better shape but there is a root wad in the way as you line up for the drop , so be ready to eddy left so you can get back in after the drop.
As to the original question , to me Eleven Point has an older geologic feel as the rocks,bluffs and caves are a bit more crumbly and eroded looking.

The only way to avoid power boats is to go during the week , Saturdays they seem to be thick

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Re: Current River vs Eleven Point

Post by Deuce » Thu Feb 25, 2016 2:30 pm

Kevin, just want to make sure I read correctly. A flood at the end of 2015 caused the changes you've mentioned; as in it's a different river compared to when we were there last November?
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Re: Current River vs Eleven Point

Post by Rustynuts » Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:03 pm

Yeah, the river has changed, some good, like the Camp spot has all new sand and a new layer of sticks for firewood, but some of the other popular gravel bars for camping are completely gone. And we had to unload the raft and line it through one nasty spot. Still a great trip and I would do it again any day.

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Re: Current River vs Eleven Point

Post by FireNinja » Tue Mar 01, 2016 7:09 pm

Thx for the info guys..!

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