Dierks February 16 They turned the dam off

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Chicago Bob
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Name: Bob Tyler
Location: Hot Springs Village

Dierks February 16 They turned the dam off

Post by Chicago Bob » Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:18 pm

I was out at Dierks again today. I ran my shuttle headed down the hill at Horse Shoe Bend. The water was running at a near normal level. I took my canoe off the car and walked it down to the river's edge. I went back to the car and began to get into my drysuit. Next thing I know is that a siren began to sound and the the flow began to diminish. Now, I had been made aware that the lake was falling close to its minimum level. So I suspected that today might be the last of the release and I was right. Now I'll have to find someplace else to play. BOB

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