Looking for a ride from LITTLE ROCK to the TOT or RICHLAND

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Speedy Pete
Posts: 17
Joined: Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:47 pm
Name: T. M. Lewis

Looking for a ride from LITTLE ROCK to the TOT or RICHLAND

Post by Speedy Pete » Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:39 am

Anyone planning to come from or through Little Rock to Richland or the TOT... or hell, ANY good rivers Today, Sunday, or Monday willing to give me a ride? I can't pay for gas, but I'm strong enough to help unload and load and lug equipment very easily. Plenty experience as well. My name is Thomas Lewis, you've probably met me, my brother Jackson, or my dad Tom out on rivers in the past years. If you're up for it, text or call me at 501-786-1665. Happy Swimming!

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