Rendezvous 2015 Silent Auction
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 4:18 pm
As the coordinator for this year's Rendezvous Silent Auction, I am asking for everyone's help. In short, we need donations for the auction and then we need everyone to come to Rendezvous to shop and buy items at the Silent Auction. So, think about stuff you would be interested in buying and see what you can come up with to donate. Paddling and outdoor gear typically top the list, so sort through your stuff and donate new or gently used items that you don't use or that don't quite work for you. Other things that can be donated include services you or others can provide (car washing/detailing, landscaping, deck cleaning/sealing, massage, spa treatments, manicure/pedicure, specialty cakes/cake decorating, fishing guide, etc.), hand-crafted items (painting, sculpture, woodworking, fly tying, homemade candy, baked goods, etc.), free lessons (guitar, piano, kayak rolling instruction, etc.). Contact businesses that are affiliated with things like travel/activity packages, cabin rentals/lodging, tours, hiking, fishing, camping, biking, rock climbing, zip-lining, dining (restaurants or catering), etc. to see what coupons/certificates they will donate.
Please turn donated items for the Silent Auction in to your ACC Chapter President (or chapter designee). Items will also be collected the Friday afternoon/evening of Rendezvous. Let's all give our best to make this year's Silent Auction a huge success. All proceeds go to the Conservation Fund of the ACC, so this is a very important fundraiser for all of us!
Visit the Rendezvous Facebook page for the latest information on the Silent Auction. Items that are donated for the auction will be posted there, so check it out frequently to see the latest items that will be for sale at Rendezvous. If you have items that you are donating or have a commitment from others for donated items, please post them on the Rendezvous Facebook page (Luke Coop provided a link to this in a separate message).
Thanks everyone for helping out!
Amy Hudson
Please turn donated items for the Silent Auction in to your ACC Chapter President (or chapter designee). Items will also be collected the Friday afternoon/evening of Rendezvous. Let's all give our best to make this year's Silent Auction a huge success. All proceeds go to the Conservation Fund of the ACC, so this is a very important fundraiser for all of us!
Visit the Rendezvous Facebook page for the latest information on the Silent Auction. Items that are donated for the auction will be posted there, so check it out frequently to see the latest items that will be for sale at Rendezvous. If you have items that you are donating or have a commitment from others for donated items, please post them on the Rendezvous Facebook page (Luke Coop provided a link to this in a separate message).
Thanks everyone for helping out!
Amy Hudson