I know this site is filled with exciting creek running story's. I somewhat hesitated to put this message on here, but what the heck. I went to Wal-Mart and bought a sit on top kayak for $259, it also came with a paddle

My wife said "won't you be embarrassed with that boat when floating with people with boat worth $1000's?". I said, nope. Anyway my paddle yesterday was fun with photo ops galore. I put in at Shiloh and paddled to Bakers Creek and up as far as hwy. 7. If anyone ever wants to paddle with me just let me know.
On another note, the national Rivers clean-up is at Lake Dardanelle State Park this next Saturday the 11th. If you have a kayak, canoe, rowboat or anything that floats please come out and help us. More info is on my other post. Remember you get a free lunch
https://www.flickr.com/photos/cosmicdud ... 5037270168" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
The yeti is a face book friend of minds doing