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Ouachita River 3/30 Monday

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:42 pm
by cbarry
I want to paddle the Oden to Rocky Shoals trip on Monday. Anyone up for it? I think it is a 10 mile float on mostly class 1 water. Level is around 4'. Post before 8am on Monday or I will just plan on paying for a shuttle. Sorry for short notice. If you can go, I would enjoy the company. Thanks. Cindy

Re: Ouachita River 3/30 Monday

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:21 pm
by Jim Krueger

If you make this trip tomorrow, have fun and enjoy the scenery, it should be a pretty nice weather day. I've floated this stretch maybe three times over the years, but the last time was at least twenty five years ago. All the trips I made were probably in the summer when the level was very low, so I really got the full effect of the ten mile length :D
One of my favorite sights on this trip is a large hill and rock outcropping toward the end, the view is straight-on to it, and there is a cave-like feature (grotto) that's pretty evident. I hope someone will go along with you, have fun. Give a report afterward.

Best Regards

Re: Ouachita River 3/30 Monday

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:57 am
by cbarry

I am going on Monday instead of Sunday, hoping to see more wildlife on the trip. This is the section that I did on my very first river float....but I haven't done this section in a number of years. I saw my first (and only) "swimming" deer on this section. I remember the cave, but not the rock outcropping....I'll have to keep an eye out for that. I'll report back after the trip... Cindy

Re: Ouachita River 3/30 Monday

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 7:33 pm
by cbarry
Hi Jim,

I saw that giant rock formation you were talking about...very nice!

It was a beautiful day, in the 70's. The level was about 3.9'...perfect for the 10 mile trip from Oden to Rocky Shoals. The Riverview Canoe rental place hasn't started renting yet this season, so I had the river to myself (except for the pair of wood ducks, 50 other duck-like birds, 1 great blue heron and several kingfishers that I saw along the way). I would rate it a "10"! Cindy

Re: Ouachita River 3/30 Monday

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:29 pm
by Jim Krueger
That sounds like a great day Cindy! I'm glad you had a nice time, I'm sure I would have enjoyed it too. I appreciate the trip report, and since you were on a solo trip today, that you are back home. I will look forward to more trips this spring as the weather and water warms.

Best Regards