You guys....
The Ford does rock. The thing I realized that makes the Ford so awesome is the controlled predictability of it. I was sure being on the Ford 99% would 'sink' me, and quite frankly I was nervous about my first 'real river' trip. NEVER planned to go anywhere that first year. I realized after my first trip to the ledge [L-4 SWR], and then my only [Frog] river trip...that 'most' features [water volume aside] I'd seen before at the Ford [at various levels]...and practiced...over and over again. THAT is why the Ford rocks, because you can practice something over and over, without a major portage or slowing down your group of common adventurers.
More importantly, not to downplay the Ford, but it wasn't until I met boaters like you guys my interest got peaked. ACC members and boaters in general willing to say "hello", walk over and talk about what they were doing. My second trip to the "island" [I'd have to float down from the bridge because the park was not built] to watch, those boaters wouldn't leave me alone!
When Spring 2014 came, I can't count all the people I met. The Ford was like "Cheers" for me. Heck, I had to buy a boat to keep the conversation going!
Never thought I'd actually learn to use it?!
Seriously, never planned to leave the Ford in 2014. Johnna, Eric, and Adam all jumped into the water and worked with me on my roll. Others 'pushed' me out on that upper wave and told me how to surf. I'd NEVER have moved forward without that roll and that encouragement. Rob & Tom encouraged my safety learning and next thing I was in L-3, then L-4 SWR at the Ouachita River. Boat Ball, Rendezvous, my Frog run...none of it without the "people" and the friendships.
I'm a product of a good club, great coaching, and fantastic people.
...and yes, thanks to all that, it make living 5 miles from the Ford totally friggin awesome!