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Don't be a one.
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:56 am
by Charles1967
Last night I took the CPR/AED course put on by Tom Burroughs and Lorraine. It was not what I expected. IT was a LOT of information, but very simple to understand, with a very reassuring update to my 20 year old training in CPR. CPR has been simplified/improved since I was a youngster. Also, very interesting learning about how to use the "AED" (automated external defibrillator) device I'd NEVER been trained in: I was thrilled to find out those AED devices actually 'talk' to you and tell you exactly what to do - even analyzing heart rate. In my work I know we have those in the building, but I would have NEVER called for one as I hadn't been trained - but now I have. Monday I'll be asking why we only have 5-6 folks trained out of 250 employees...
The offline discussions on specific application to 'drowning' was the extra bang you don't get from a normal CPR event.
If you are a boater...get in this class. It's fun, fast, and you'll walk away feeling a little bit better knowing those boaters sitting around you...can help you also.
Don't be a dummy, get in this CPR/AED class. I'm teaching my family what I learned until I can get them in one. Swim/boat season is just around the corner for them.
This class was normally $40 I think, but was free to ACC members as we didn't even have to pay thanks to direct reimbursement. Thanks again to the ACC, the board, and Tom & Loraine.
Re: Don't be a one.
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 5:01 pm
by RobM
Re: Don't be a one.
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:32 pm
by kayakmamma
You rock, Charles! It was a fun class and Tom is the very best of instructors. Also, he really tailors the instruction to the group and the emergency situation they may face.
Love it!