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Possible Santa Sighting on the Buff
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 9:12 am
by Deuce
Looks like Santy brought me an early present of a day or two of leftover vaca. I MAY use it to make good on my as yet unrealized threat to base camp at Spring Creek and fish the lower Buff. At present I don't have dates other than December but if I were a betting man I'd bet on something like the 19th-22nd. The nice thing about the base camp setup is the opportunity for those who can't stay the whole time to come and go as necessary, and heck, Mrs. Deuce might not even approve of such an extended absence so close to Christmas so consider this trip plan tentative. I'll give you deets when I have em.
Re: Possible Santa Sighting on the Buff
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:41 pm
by Canoe_Codger
You probably already know this, but on those dates you likely won't need the Deet. Happy Thanksgiving!
Re: Possible Santa Sighting on the Buff
Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 10:01 am
by Deuce
Deets = details. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! You're in Idaho now?
Re: Possible Santa Sighting on the Buff
Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 9:22 pm
by Canoe_Codger
Deuce wrote:Deets = details. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! You're in Idaho now?
Yah I knew that. Yes I am. Me and my two red canoes moved here at the end of July. I'm about four miles from the banks of the North Fork of the Snake River near Idaho Falls. I start cleaning and polishing the Bell Morningstar for an early spring paddle just as soon as the weather and health allow. I miss Arkansas and Tennessee rivers already, but looking forward to new adventures here.
Re: Possible Santa Sighting on the Buff
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 5:08 pm
by Paddlegal
What would one be fishing for? And what kind of bait would one be needing? Will Gracie be (hopefully) be attending?
Re: Possible Santa Sighting on the Buff
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:03 am
by Deuce
Paddlegal wrote:What would one be fishing for? And what kind of bait would one be needing? Will Gracie be (hopefully) be attending?
One (at least this one) would be fishing for smallmouth bass and probably using tubes. Gracie's participation will depend on weather and availability. She's a busy gal.
Re: Possible Santa Sighting on the Buff
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 2:06 am
by BHK Okie
Was thinking about a 2-4 day trip near that time frame myself depending on water levels . Possibly a solo XP10 or canoe ?? More miles in the XP but the canoe is more "anti-freeze friendly"
Re: Possible Santa Sighting on the Buff
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 2:26 am
by BHK Okie
Re: Possible Santa Sighting on the Buff
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 8:04 am
by Deuce
Hmmmmm. I could possibly spring for some green pumpkin tubes. You're on your own for jig heads though.