Rockport 11/1
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 6:50 pm
Well, it looks like it'll be a wee bit chilly on Saturday, but great prep to ease into the upcoming paddling season! Unfortunately they are not starting the draw down release until 1pm which won't put full water to the ledge until 4pm (and then we start losing sunlight pretty quick). Nonetheless, a few of will be there to play around. We probably will get there about 3/3:30 or so.
The announcement says 1-8pm 3600cfs releases for the next week to draw the lakes down, but once we drop the clocks back Saturday night, that's going to leave a pretty narrow window to catch much surf before dusk...
Heather aka Lupe
The announcement says 1-8pm 3600cfs releases for the next week to draw the lakes down, but once we drop the clocks back Saturday night, that's going to leave a pretty narrow window to catch much surf before dusk...
Heather aka Lupe