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Saline (Benton) Sunday afternoon?

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:54 am
by lalyle
I've still never paddled any stretch of this river that's so close to home. Water's up and skies are clear. I can be there about 2:00.

Re: Saline (Benton) Sunday afternoon?

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:24 am
by Jim Krueger

The Saline is too high still for a safe float in this area, 8.81ft. this a.m. I'm thinking the local canoe outfitter here even curtailed operation this weekend. The Saline is definitely a pretty, shady, stream you would enjoy but it is naturally woodsy. There is also a low water bridge, and a low-head dam in the vicinity that are probably quite dangerous this morning. IMHO
Caddo looks just right today if you decide on making a run over there. Wish I could join in today, but can't.

Best Regards

Re: Saline (Benton) Sunday afternoon?

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 2:14 pm
by lalyle
Thanks Jim. I need to make myself a little chart of recommended levels for the Caddo, Saline, and maybe some other streams that don't fit the "2.5-to-4.5" parameters so common to Ozark streams. What can you tell me, Bro'?