Trip Report: Helton's to Long Pool
Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 8:56 am
Fletch has already posted a video but I have to post a report so I can win a fifty dollar gift card to help buy a helmet for Little Deuce.
I predicted a gong show and I was not disappointed. The excitement actually began around 6:00 Saturday morning when I discovered our sewer line was backed up. D'oh! My long suffering bride (those who know me know I don't exaggerate when I say that) was kind enough to send me on my way once I had someone engaged to come take care of it that morning.
We all converged on the Moores around 9:00 with four or five Super Pumas and one green Star along with their rowers and passengers, one dory, a gaggle of kayakers and three open boaters. I was particulary happy to see a Dagger Impulse on John Fletcher's rack because it meant 1. I'd have a good open boater to follow down and 2. I'd get to watch an Impulse, one of which I am awaiting delivery of by the ACC Ocoee Memorial Day Express.
Things really got interesting at Helton's as we comandeered the put in like a bunch of bullies on a jungle gym and began the arduous process of rigging and launching. One by one we carried rafts down to the water, and once I recovered my wind after slipping in the mud and falling on my butt I was ready to launch my borrowed Esquif Vertige. I loved that boat as those who were within earshot Saturday will tell you. I fell out of it at the put in because I wasn't paying attention but that only loosened me up for a great day.
We began to make our way down river and everyone had a great time. Fletch showed me the clean lines and I mostly followed his instructions, but when I didn't the Vertige took good care of me just as Steve Shepherd promised it would. Thanks Steve! I know of one swimmer out of a raft (I won't name names, but the swimmer was the rower's boss's wife .) and I saw a kayaker flip a couple of times but he was game and shook it off.
The real trouble began in the Mother when one of our crew pinned his boat under one of the sisters. I don't want to go into detail because he has expressed interest in telling the story himself, so I'll just say he was fine, was VERY lucky Cowper had decided to push rubber that day, and it took us just under three hours but we eventually managed to unpin it for him and had a great time doing it (at least Crash and I did).
I finally got home around 10:00 that night exhausted, sore and happy. Best day I've had on the water in a LONG time.
I predicted a gong show and I was not disappointed. The excitement actually began around 6:00 Saturday morning when I discovered our sewer line was backed up. D'oh! My long suffering bride (those who know me know I don't exaggerate when I say that) was kind enough to send me on my way once I had someone engaged to come take care of it that morning.
We all converged on the Moores around 9:00 with four or five Super Pumas and one green Star along with their rowers and passengers, one dory, a gaggle of kayakers and three open boaters. I was particulary happy to see a Dagger Impulse on John Fletcher's rack because it meant 1. I'd have a good open boater to follow down and 2. I'd get to watch an Impulse, one of which I am awaiting delivery of by the ACC Ocoee Memorial Day Express.
Things really got interesting at Helton's as we comandeered the put in like a bunch of bullies on a jungle gym and began the arduous process of rigging and launching. One by one we carried rafts down to the water, and once I recovered my wind after slipping in the mud and falling on my butt I was ready to launch my borrowed Esquif Vertige. I loved that boat as those who were within earshot Saturday will tell you. I fell out of it at the put in because I wasn't paying attention but that only loosened me up for a great day.
We began to make our way down river and everyone had a great time. Fletch showed me the clean lines and I mostly followed his instructions, but when I didn't the Vertige took good care of me just as Steve Shepherd promised it would. Thanks Steve! I know of one swimmer out of a raft (I won't name names, but the swimmer was the rower's boss's wife .) and I saw a kayaker flip a couple of times but he was game and shook it off.
The real trouble began in the Mother when one of our crew pinned his boat under one of the sisters. I don't want to go into detail because he has expressed interest in telling the story himself, so I'll just say he was fine, was VERY lucky Cowper had decided to push rubber that day, and it took us just under three hours but we eventually managed to unpin it for him and had a great time doing it (at least Crash and I did).
I finally got home around 10:00 that night exhausted, sore and happy. Best day I've had on the water in a LONG time.