Winslow to Brentwood

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Half Ton
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Winslow to Brentwood

Post by Half Ton » Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:48 am

Should be running good. I plan to head out later this morning. Time is still flexible. 479-970-thirty five fifty.
"The challenge goes on. There are other lands and rivers, other wilderness areas, to save and to share with all. I challenge you to step forward to protect and care for the wild places you love best"

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Half Ton
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Re: Winslow to Brentwood

Post by Half Ton » Sun Mar 16, 2014 5:25 pm

Wow WF came up big, just like almost everything else. I worked all day as to have hopes of paddling tomorrow.....and at this point, I think I might can paddle tomorrow, and still have time to huck slicker falls in Winslow today!

Anyone wanna do a park to highwAy 71 run? 1 mile long at most. We can get a run in, and take note of the highway mileage as well- that is get a run and find out partnof the info needed to get the West Fork properly named!!! Right now AHTD has is listed as Sinclair creek....

"The challenge goes on. There are other lands and rivers, other wilderness areas, to save and to share with all. I challenge you to step forward to protect and care for the wild places you love best"

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Re: Winslow to Brentwood

Post by kru1 » Sun Mar 16, 2014 6:10 pm

I also worked all day today so I can get out tomorrow or Tuesday. I still have work that I have to take care of tomorrow, but I might be able to get a later afternoon run in if you can.

I say, and I intend it emphatically, let the river be.
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Half Ton
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Re: Winslow to Brentwood

Post by Half Ton » Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:54 pm

Planning on Winslow to Brentwood in am or mill and little mill
"The challenge goes on. There are other lands and rivers, other wilderness areas, to save and to share with all. I challenge you to step forward to protect and care for the wild places you love best"

- Neil Compton

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