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Hi-n-dry paddle float???
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:13 pm
by Hcarr999
Has anyone ever used or even seen one of these. Think of buying one for my wife to help her roll?
Re: Hi-n-dry paddle float???
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:42 pm
by Owl
Relevant video here:" onclick=";return false;
Seems expensive for what it is. To get an idea of what it'd be like you could cut up a pool noodle or two in short sections and duct tape a cluster of them around the shaft.
Re: Hi-n-dry paddle float???
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:07 pm
by Ouachitoff
Looks like a great way to mask a lack of paddling/river skills, that could get somebody in serious trouble some day. Only value I see is as an instructional tool in a pool for those learning their roll.
Re: Hi-n-dry paddle float???
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:51 pm
by Hcarr999
I saw the video. The reason for this is she doesn't believe anything I have to say about rolling!
Re: Hi-n-dry paddle float???
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:24 pm
by Roger
Hcarr999 wrote:I saw the video. The reason for this is she doesn't believe anything I have to say about rolling!
Have someone else teacher her to roll if she won't believe you.

Re: Hi-n-dry paddle float???
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:14 pm
by sig
Roger is a smart guy!
Re: Hi-n-dry paddle float???
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:59 pm
by Jim Krueger
I agree with Roger, and Sig. My parents so wanted my brother and I to learn to swim in the early 1960's, ( we were just sure they would drown us if they persisted alone ) We certainly did learn to swim, but only with the help of a swimming class taught by ladies we didn't know at the time, and with other students who also didn't know how to swim. It only took a couple of weeks of lessons before we all learned to swim pretty well.
I still advocate this route with learning to roll a kayak. Taking the leap of faith needed to learn to swim, or rolling a kayak, both remind me of these earlier experiences. It often takes a few sessions to have the greatest effect and confidence in your instructors and oneself. I certainly formed a bond with my fellow classmates, and we all did to our instructors.
Best Regards
P.S. Thank You Mom for signing us up for that American Red Cross Swimming Class!!
Re: Hi-n-dry paddle float???
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:08 pm
by Hcarr999
She has decide that she will go to WW school this year maybe that will help her.
Re: Hi-n-dry paddle float???
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:27 pm
by Cowper
Yes! And Noooooo!!!
Going to WW school is a great thing and should add to her ability to enjoy future river days more.
But IMO, that should be a completely different discussion from any talk about learning to roll.
Early May in cold river water is about the worst possible time to try to learn to roll. It will only add to any frustration and doubts about the sport that your wife already has. Either find a heated pool, or wait until summer to work on that particular skill.
I also agree with what others have said; get someone else to teach her, and the paddle float can be made far cheaper.
Re: Hi-n-dry paddle float???
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 8:50 am
by Deuce
I fourth the advice of having someone else teach your bride to roll, not because I have any idea how to roll but because I've tried to teach
my bride things. Just doesn't seem to work that well. Not because she's stupid (she's not) or can't learn (she can), but because for whatever reason some of life's endeavors are predestined not to go well and my observation has been that's one of them. Don't know why. It just is. One of life's great mysteries I guess.

Re: Hi-n-dry paddle float???
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 9:06 am
by Hcarr999
I think my dad is going to help her.
Re: Hi-n-dry paddle float???
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 1:22 pm
by river trails
I put a big noodle in the middle of my paddle once to get a idea of what it was like. I hated it and took it off immediately. You can't actually sweep your paddle because the foam hits the bottom of the boat when you try and sweep. It blocks and stops your paddle. from being able to do the necessary sweep. It might be usefull for is just to put the paddle to the side of the boat and use it to help perfect your hip snap. That is how they use it on the river. It would let you flip up but stop you from actually learning to roll. What was VERY helpful to me when I was learning to roll was .What to make a Styrofoam slip that would slide on and off the right paddle blade. When my roll of effortless with it put a thinner piece of Styrofoam on the blade. Then when it was effortless I went to a super thin piece and then to one. It worked very well as I did not have someone there helping me. And one or at most 2 times having to drain the boat would be the end of my roll practice. If you have the basic idea of rolling you CAN do it with a 2 inch thick pad on the blade.And it in no way impedes or changes how you should roll or sweep the blade.
Re: Hi-n-dry paddle float???
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:55 pm
by Ouachitoff
Deuce wrote:I fourth the advice of having someone else teach your bride to roll, not because I have any idea how to roll but because I've tried to teach
my bride things. Just doesn't seem to work that well. Not because she's stupid (she's not) or can't learn (she can), but because for whatever reason some of life's endeavors are predestined not to go well and my observation has been that's one of them. Don't know why. It just is. One of life's great mysteries I guess.

Attempts to teach my wife how to drive a standard haven't gone so well.

Re: Hi-n-dry paddle float???
Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 1:49 pm
by Roger
You mean I'm right once in my life!!??