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Big Piney Creek Drainage Over Time

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 2:59 pm
by Waterman
This link is to a slide show of my favorite pictures of the Big Piney Creek area from Fort Douglas down to Longpool. Although it has many pictures from float trips, I took most of the shots on hikes. So I am not sure this qualifies as a “Paddling Video”, but I thought people who view this forum might enjoy the same." onclick=";return false;

Hopefully the link works. I have not done this before.

Each picture occurs sequentially down the river from the Haw Creek area to Longpool, with a short hike up and back to a staircase waterfall on Trace Creek. However, I noticed on a recent float on the Helton’s stretch that the pictures for the “lunch spot” and grave’s creek are out of order and should fall below the 123 Surprise.

As you will see on the video, I love the boulders on this stream. Most of the pictures are on the stretch above Heltons. For the Helton’s stretch, the open boaters are Wayne and Cole Mulligan, Walter May, and Sarah Hankinson from trips in 2008 and 2010.


Re: Big Piney Creek Drainage Over Time

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:10 pm
by magicmike
Sweet video! I love that run and that song. -M-

Re: Big Piney Creek Drainage Over Time

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:12 pm
by okieboater
On an afternoon sleeting outside and 12 degrees F, your work made a great way for me to relax and enjoy the Piney in the warmth of my home.

I have boated the Big Piney more times than I can count.

Always wondered about the creek above Heltons's.

I appreciate seeing that area on film. Had no idea it was so scenic.

Really enjoyed the family and pup scenes.

Not every boat oriented video needs to be class 5 action, your combo of scenes works really well.

Good work and thanks for sharing!

Re: Big Piney Creek Drainage Over Time

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:40 pm
by Jim Krueger
Very Nice John, Thank You!

Best Regards

Re: Big Piney Creek Drainage Over Time

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:58 pm
by cpresoz
That is such a great video. And it's clearly a work of love. Thank you for putting it together.

Re: Big Piney Creek Drainage Over Time

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:03 am
Very nice!

Encouraging me to try to document our local creek over time. Nice tribute to a beautiful area. Don't get over there often enough but have created some wonderful memories there over the years.

My brother-in-law, Hairy Jalepeno (aka Gary Paladino) and I were in a tandem canoe sitting in the eddy at the surfing wave once, too long ago to remember the year, but we were watching folks in kayaks surf. Made up our minds right there and then that we were going to have to get kayaks as that just looked like too much fun!

On another outing with my young family I remember camping at Long Pool in the area upstream by the gage. We were on a bluff overlooking the river in our little campsite and it was early spring. My children were really young and I had one on either side of me cuddled up in a hammock for a late afternoon nap.

It was just cool enough that we needed a small blanket but the breeze singing in the tall pines was soothing and we all slept like babies. When I need a happy memory that is one of my all time favorites.

Thanks for sharing your photos and memories!

Re: Big Piney Creek Drainage Over Time

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:09 pm
by Tim Eubanks
Nice job , John. Like Dave Reid said, those pics compared to the ice I'm looking at now really make me want to get out on the creek again. I've not done the stretch above Helton's, its on my list now. Looks like good fishing.

Re: Big Piney Creek Drainage Over Time

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:52 pm
by anthony
Loved it

Re: Big Piney Creek Drainage Over Time

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 5:27 am
by nathan richard
Loved it too. Nice job.