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Fisher Ford Saturday, 2/22

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:30 pm
by kru1
OK not really a trip, but since one person asked if they should bring their boat to Winter Board Meeting I will go ahead and announce this trip. I'm gonna head to the Ford around 10-11 (depending on who wants to join in) from Winslow. I live about 10 minutes from Lake Fort Smith SP and am on the way to the Ford from there. Anyone from the meeting who wants to go can meet at my house and we can caravan/carpool. The Ford is just under an hour from my house.

The only caveat, they may be demoing a bridge and we can't access the Ford. This is a day by day scenario, but we have plenty of eyes and ears to the ground to know if that is going to happen.

Will be at the lodge tomorrow night, so if anyone wants to come along just let me know. Can also post up.


Re: Fisher Ford Saturday, 2/22

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:50 pm
by paddledog
You should be fine on the weekends......