BNR Park Service Permits for Wastewater Pollution Discharge into Buffalo National River at Buffalo Point.
Public comment period almost over. Don't forget to make your comments. Public comment almost over!" onclick=";return false; ... 130718.pdf.
And ...... ... 120831.pdf" onclick=";return false;
Thought I would post just in case park service forgot to let you know. ... ?success=2" onclick=";return false;
Buffalo Point Pollution Permits - Comment Ends 8-18-13 !!!!!
Buffalo Point Pollution Permits - Comment Ends 8-18-13 !!!!!
Last edited by Half Ton on Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The challenge goes on. There are other lands and rivers, other wilderness areas, to save and to share with all. I challenge you to step forward to protect and care for the wild places you love best"
- Neil Compton
- Neil Compton
Re: Buffalo Point Pollution Permits - Comment Almost Over
What a funny story this is. Park Service pollutes Buffalo River from inside of the park but gets upset about some pollution from from out of the Park. The park service and their permit shows no endangered species, Usfws agree's, and hardly any of the public are informed about it yet few are upset.
Comments sent in to here: ... rmits.aspx" onclick=";return false;
Comments sent in to here: ... rmits.aspx" onclick=";return false;
"When the well is dry, we learn the worth of water."
-Benjamin Franklin
-Benjamin Franklin
Re: Buffalo Point Pollution Permits - Comment Almost Over
Thanks for posting the piblic comment link! I forgot to do that.
I wonder if the buffalo river alliance is going to give this a free pass? Seems like a shame if so. I sure was hoping they would have been a little more broad based and realistic in their scope. There are many threats to a watershed in most cases. For instance, the center for watershed protection has conducted research that suggests a land-use change from forest to pasture to concrete or other impervious surfaces can have drastic impacts on a river system. The change only has to be as little as 6 % and I've seen lots more concrete lined ditches and paved roads within recent years. In fact, I've seen on the arkansas watershed information system that the "impervious" area within the BNR watershed has increased by a percent or two in recent decades.
Preventing these kinds of problems requires a broad buy in of county judges, quorum court members, city council and general public. So far the sole focus on one farm has seemed to pi$$ off most of these folk.
Maybe if the Buffalo river alliance can take a step back and be more realistic, wholistic, and moderate in their approach they can actually achieve some local buy-in and watershed protection rather than making such a fuss about one potential pollution source and its permit, when this known pollution source of the National Park service exists and has been polluting the BNR river for lots of years already.
Heck, I'll bet shifting/broadening the focus of their current limited-in-perspective and watershed protection knowledge efforts to "keep the bnr clean and pristine" by pointing out that the NPS is a polluter that can "do better" would even gain back some of the local support that that they have r-u-n-n-o-f-t.
Look at all historic, current and real, and future potential pollution sources along with broad based local support is what is needed to protect a watershed.
I've not been wrong about any of my statements to date on this issue, I've called all the outcomes before they've happened, and I know what is needed to protect the watershed.
I don't care for credit, or I told you so's - but maybe the so called protectors of the watershed might wanna start listening to my advice.
The BNR park service pollution discharge permits tat are up for review are really not much different from the recent no-discharge permit of a local farm family. Only difference is BNR park service has been polluting for years and the farmer has not yet polluted any.
Yet, the farmer gets all of the attention and a lawsuit and the park service gets a free pass and as not yet realized as a polluter by most of the public at large. Stop wasting money on lawsuits and star investing it in immediate watershed improvements like waste water treatment plant upgrades, public restrooms, leave no trace education, septic tank improvements, and other WQ best management practices.
Talk about things that make you go
Where are the petitions and outrage for this direct pollution source to the river for which the BNR Park Service has not made known to the public!?!
Comment period is almost over folks, don't delay.
I wonder if the buffalo river alliance is going to give this a free pass? Seems like a shame if so. I sure was hoping they would have been a little more broad based and realistic in their scope. There are many threats to a watershed in most cases. For instance, the center for watershed protection has conducted research that suggests a land-use change from forest to pasture to concrete or other impervious surfaces can have drastic impacts on a river system. The change only has to be as little as 6 % and I've seen lots more concrete lined ditches and paved roads within recent years. In fact, I've seen on the arkansas watershed information system that the "impervious" area within the BNR watershed has increased by a percent or two in recent decades.
Preventing these kinds of problems requires a broad buy in of county judges, quorum court members, city council and general public. So far the sole focus on one farm has seemed to pi$$ off most of these folk.
Maybe if the Buffalo river alliance can take a step back and be more realistic, wholistic, and moderate in their approach they can actually achieve some local buy-in and watershed protection rather than making such a fuss about one potential pollution source and its permit, when this known pollution source of the National Park service exists and has been polluting the BNR river for lots of years already.
Heck, I'll bet shifting/broadening the focus of their current limited-in-perspective and watershed protection knowledge efforts to "keep the bnr clean and pristine" by pointing out that the NPS is a polluter that can "do better" would even gain back some of the local support that that they have r-u-n-n-o-f-t.
Look at all historic, current and real, and future potential pollution sources along with broad based local support is what is needed to protect a watershed.
I've not been wrong about any of my statements to date on this issue, I've called all the outcomes before they've happened, and I know what is needed to protect the watershed.
I don't care for credit, or I told you so's - but maybe the so called protectors of the watershed might wanna start listening to my advice.
The BNR park service pollution discharge permits tat are up for review are really not much different from the recent no-discharge permit of a local farm family. Only difference is BNR park service has been polluting for years and the farmer has not yet polluted any.
Yet, the farmer gets all of the attention and a lawsuit and the park service gets a free pass and as not yet realized as a polluter by most of the public at large. Stop wasting money on lawsuits and star investing it in immediate watershed improvements like waste water treatment plant upgrades, public restrooms, leave no trace education, septic tank improvements, and other WQ best management practices.
Talk about things that make you go
Where are the petitions and outrage for this direct pollution source to the river for which the BNR Park Service has not made known to the public!?!
Comment period is almost over folks, don't delay.
"The challenge goes on. There are other lands and rivers, other wilderness areas, to save and to share with all. I challenge you to step forward to protect and care for the wild places you love best"
- Neil Compton
- Neil Compton
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