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Whitewater School: Jump Start Clinic (Kayak)

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:23 am
by Lupe
Whitewater School: Jump Start (Kayak)!

What is Jump Start? Jump Start is a clinic designed to introduce WW School participants to the basic concepts of strokes, boat control, and boat maneuvering. While these skills are also a part of the WW School curriculum, the more familiar participants are with these basics, the more you can use your time on the Mulberry to apply these skills in the moving water environment. You will learn flat water drills that will help you practice good technique, get the muscles moving that you will be using at WW School, and finally, we’ll also review your personal gear and your boat to make sure you have a proper fit in advance of the school.

This clinic will help Jump Start your whitewater skill development!

• Introduction to basic strokes and mechanics of boat control and maneuvering
• Learn flat water drills to help you practice good technique and improve boat control
• Make sure you have proper fitting boat and gear in advance of WW School

I’ll be offering this clinic at the UALR pool in Little Rock on Wednesday nights 6 to 8pm, on March 27, April 10 and April 24 (note: assuming the UALR pool will be open on all of these dates: if the pool is closed on any of these dates, and if there is interest, then I may be able to switch the date to an alternate Wednesday or maybe even a Saturday session).

Limit 5 participants per session. Please contact me if you are interested to sign up and for which date. This is something new, so I need to see if there will be enough interest! I won't hold the session unless I know in advance that I have participants planning to show up.

Contact: Heather.... hhuckeba1 “at” comcast “dot” net, or you can PM me via the board.


I am going to offer this week's clinic this coming Saturday, March 30, 2-5pm instead of Wednesday. If you are interested, get in touch.

I now need to cancel the April 24th session due to a work conflict.

So remaining openings for JumpStart are:

Saturday, March 30 2-5pm
Wednesday, April 10, 6-8pm


Re: Whitewater School: Jump Start Clinic (Kayak)

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:14 am
by CSH
If anyone is interested in similar help for open canoes, I will be available to be at the pool, and will be willing to go over the same concepts that Heather has listed. Just give me a heads up so that I am sure to show up.


Re: Whitewater School: Jump Start Clinic (Kayak)

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:50 am
by Mark or Hayden
Awesome idea. I encourage as many people to attend as possible. Heather is a great teacher. It is very easy to develop bad habits (that eventually have to be unlearned) when you are put on moving water without some time PRACTICING the basics first.
Every stroke (and more importantly-combination of strokes) you make on moving water can be practiced on flat water.

Re: Whitewater School: Jump Start Clinic (Kayak)

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:19 pm
by Lupe

I am going to offer this week's clinic this coming Saturday, March 30, 2-5pm instead of Wednesday. If you are interested, get in touch.

I now need to cancel the April 24th session due to a work conflict.

So remaining openings for JumpStart are:

Saturday, March 30 2-5pm
Wednesday, April 10, 6-8pm


Re: Whitewater School: Jump Start Clinic (Kayak)

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:03 pm
by Lupe

My business trip was cancelled, so if anyone is looking to still "jumpstart" their paddling in advance of ww school, I could do a session this Wednesday, April 24 at the UALR pool (pending confirmation that the pool will be open to us as scheduled).

PS - I can now officially offer a jumpstart for either Kayak or Canoe! :D

Let me know!!!

Re: Whitewater School: Jump Start Clinic (Kayak)

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:09 pm
by maggiepowell
I will be there. I need all the jumpstarting i! can get. If you have room that is. The Mother took me out this weekend on the Piney this weekend. :(

Re: Whitewater School: Jump Start Clinic (Kayak)

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:06 am
by Yopp
Monkey should be there with her new 2fun, and We can bring Maggie's back, too.

Re: Whitewater School: Jump Start Clinic (Kayak)

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:37 am
by maggiepowell
So, clarify for me....what is the date, time, and place? Too many changes, I can't keep up. :)

Re: Whitewater School: Jump Start Clinic (Kayak)

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:40 am
by maggiepowell
Nevermind. For some reason my days have been all messed up this week. I didn't realize it was tonight. I apologize for not showing. I keep getting my days mixed up. Wonder if smacking my head on the Piney this weekend has something to do with that.