Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:37 pm
The water level in Greers Ferry Lake may be lower than what is shown in the above photo of the South Fork from 2006. On Sunday, the end of Johnson hole was blocked by exposed rocks; that's Johnson hole on the left side of the photo with the downstream end being at the top. It's not blocked in the photo. The water level at the dam on the date of the photo is shown to be four feet lower than the current lake level, thus creating a conflict since I wouldn't think there would be four feet variation in the lake level from end to end.
Anyway, I would like to paddle the South Fork from Hwy. 65 in Clinton through the area shown in the photo the next time we get a rain that makes the S. Fk. run. There will be a short period of time in which there will be flow from Clinton through this area, maybe only one day if the rain is heavy enough to raise the lake several feet, so catching the river while it is flowing will be a prize. The river was dry near Factory Street in Clinton on Sunday, and so was the first chute taking off from river right in the photo. You can see the Johnson hole launching ramp in the photo, right about where the first chute to river right takes off; the hole is blocked by rocks just past where that chute takes off. I'd like to scout the area to see which chute to run when the river is flowing, see which chute offers the most excitement, if any.
Would anyone care to join me in a flat water paddle through the area? I'm available just about any day.
Captain Aleve, alias Mike Coogan