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Lil Mo Dam Release Wed 08/15

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 7:20 pm
by Liz Caldwell
A group of us are heading to the Little Missouri on Wednesday. Dam release starts at 3. We're doing shuttle a little differently by going to the put-in first, unloading, then running shuttle to the low-water bridge take-out, and getting back to the put-in by 3.

Hope to see everyone there!

Re: Lil Mo Dam Release Wed 08/15

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 9:29 pm
by 737driver
I did it last week and it was a blast! I'm still a novice and need some more runs like that. Would a new guy like me be a nuisance to your group if I tagged along? I made it down without swimming, but still only hit my roll about 4 outta 10. :(

Re: Lil Mo Dam Release Wed 08/15

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:34 am
by flow
Wouldn't miss it! See y'all there.

Re: Lil Mo Dam Release Wed 08/15

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:38 am
by Liz Caldwell
737 driver, you are welcome to tag along. It's not an "official" trip, but we're always glad to have new people join in.

Re: Lil Mo Dam Release Wed 08/15

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:25 am
by Chicago Bob
Liz I'm still in. Meet you at the put-in as per your plan. BOB

Re: Lil Mo Dam Release Wed 08/15

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:53 am
by 737driver
Great. I hope to be there. 2ish? My name is Clay Cahoon. I look forward to meeting everyone.

Re: Lil Mo Dam Release Wed 08/15

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:15 pm
by Waterman
I plan to join as well. Last Friday was a blast, and I look forward to my second run down this river. See you at the put-in on Wed. John

Re: Lil Mo Dam Release Wed 08/15

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 2:09 pm
by darkaly
Mandy and I may join you if I can escape from the office on Wednesday.

Re: Lil Mo Dam Release Wed 08/15

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:04 pm
by Lupe
Liz Caldwell wrote:We're doing shuttle a little differently by going to the put-in first, unloading, then running shuttle to the low-water bridge take-out, and getting back to the put-in by 3.

I was surprised to find such differing opinions on running shuttle, so I decided to run the numbers to see if good ol' mathematics could shed some light on this perplexing question.

In both scenarios, we’ll assume we have 4 cars with paddlers all going to the river. Everyone will be driving through Murfreesboro. If you go straight to the put in on 19 from Murfreesboro it’s 6 miles. If you go to the put in from the take out using the short cut, it’s 5.8 miles, but for simplicity, we’ll just assume any trip between the put in and take out is 6 miles, or from Murfreesboro to the put in is 6 miles.

Scenario #1:
All four vehicles meet at the take out. They load all boats and paddlers in 1 car, leaving the other 3 cars at the take out.
They drive the 1 loaded car to the put in: 1 car x 6 miles to put in.
They paddle down the river, having lots of fun.
At the end of the day, 1 vehicle is needed to go get the single car up at the put in: 1 car x 6 miles to put in, PLUS 2 cars x 6 miles back to take out.
Everyone loads up and goes home.
Total shuttling miles driven = 24 (4 vehicle trips x 6 miles)
If everyone can load up to shuttle to the top in a reasonable time, you could meet at 2:30 and be ready for the 3:00 siren.

Scenario #2:
All four vehicles meet at the put in. Since coming from Murfreesboro this is 6 miles further than the take out, this is 4 vehicles x 6 miles.
Everyone unloads their boats, and then all 4 cars drive to the take out (4 vehicles x 6 miles). Hopefully there’s an extra paddler to watch everyone’s boats and gear.
Once at the take out, they leave 3 vehicles, and 1 vehicle brings all drivers back to the put in (1 vehicle x 6 miles).
They paddle down the river, having lots of fun.
At the end of the day, 1 vehicle is needed to go get the single car up at the put in: 1 car x 6 miles to put in, PLUS 2 cars x 6 miles back to take out.
Everyone loads up and goes home.
Total shuttling miles driven = 72 (12 vehicle trips x 6 miles)
To give everyone time to unload, drive the take out and back, and then get on the river, you’d better plan to meet at the put in at 2:00.

Total shuttle miles saved in Scenario #1 vs #2 = 48 miles. If everyone’s driving a Prius (we’re not) that’s maybe 1 gallon of gas = $3.50. If we’re more likely driving trucks or SUV's (not all of us, but a lot of us), that’s maybe more like 4 gallons = $14. Let’s split the difference and say we’re all driving Subarus, and that it’s 2 gallons = $7. Anyway, how many beers will $14 or $7 buy at dinner? :beer2:

In my hypothetical scenario we’re only talking about 4 cars (could have been more paddlers than 4). Last Friday we had 25 people on the river…so instead of shuttling a handful of cars, say that was 2x or 3x as much shuttling. So instead of 48 more miles driven, with a big group that could be as much as 100, maybe 150 extra miles driven…and since everyone has to drive the shuttle both ways, it’s more time driving as well as more miles.

See, isn’t math fun? Math is our friend! :thumbup:

I'm sorry - where are we meeting again, and at what time? :ROFL:

Re: Lil Mo Dam Release Wed 08/15

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:10 pm
by Karla
Anyone going Friday if so I want to go.


Re: Lil Mo Dam Release Wed 08/15

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:11 pm
by Louiscov
Lupe wrote:Total shuttle miles saved in Scenario #1 vs #2 = 48 miles. If everyone’s driving a Prius (we’re not) that’s maybe 1 gallon of gas = $3.50. If we’re more likely driving trucks or SUV's (not all of us, but a lot of us), that’s maybe more like 4 gallons = $14. Let’s split the difference and say we’re all driving Subarus, and that it’s 2 gallons = $7. Anyway, how many beers will $14 or $7 buy at dinner? :beer2:
That all Subaru group would be the AWESOMEST GROUP EVER!!! Heather, one day we still need to implement your idea of getting a big group of ACC Subaru drivers and our vehicles/boats together for a river picture!!! :beer2:

Re: Lil Mo Dam Release Wed 08/15

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:34 pm
by Cowper
Interesting points, Lupe! I somehow felt meeting at the bottom just seemed right, but never bothered to figure out exactly how right it was.

Following your logic, I looked at Scenario #3, the "lazy kayakers" option. Meet at bottom. Switch as few boats as possible so that you can leave only one vehicle. 3 go to top. At end of day, 1 goes back to top, all 4 drive back down. 8 trips, 48 miles.

So even being as lazy as possible (something which appeals to the kayaker in me), the "meet at the bottom" remains 33% more efficient than the "meet at the top" (which appeals to the engineer in me). So that makes "meet at the bottom" a WIN-WIN for both of my inner selves.

(It only gets better if I can convince you to set shuttle, and just let me meet you at the put-in at 3:00.)

Re: Lil Mo Dam Release Wed 08/15

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:43 pm
by flow
Karla, I would like to go again Friday as well. Phil Thurman, 870-70 three o six o six

Louis, come join us! Wed. Or Fri. Or both. You can leave that Subaru at my house and ride with me!

Re: Lil Mo Dam Release Wed 08/15

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:01 pm
by we66erno1
I'm in for Wednesday. May have others joining us, once they figure if they can go. Should be a good mix of paddlers. I'm looking at you Signorelli family

Re: Lil Mo Dam Release Wed 08/15

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:06 pm
by darkaly
Well, we DO drive a Subaru...