if someone is looking for a Mad River canoe, there is one for $250 with what looks like new home done wood gunnels. Craigslist ad has photo and phone number and not much else like age, model, length, material of hull, picture of bottom, etc.
But for $250, it is worth calling on if you are looking for a canoe. Looks like yellow royalex and older royalex tends to be stronger/tougher royalex. If my racks were not full,(see Susan's rule) I'd be calling and driving in the morning, even after shoulder surgery.
Eric Esche
http://memphis.craigslist.org/boa/3141249623.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Mad River Canoe on Craigslist near Memphis$250
- Eric Esche
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- Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2006 5:01 pm
- Name: Eric Esche
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