Dagger Axis 12.0 Great Shape! $650 OBO.

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Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:25 pm
Name: Winston Scully

Dagger Axis 12.0 Great Shape! $650 OBO.

Post by scully77 » Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:27 pm

I am selling my Dagger Axis 12.0, only taken on class I water 2 or 3 times.
It's basically brand new.
Great boat for anything from lakes and slow rivers to class III water. Drop Skeg makes flatwater situations a great paddle, but when picked up out of the water offers a great whitewater boat.
I'm asking $650, which is amazing price for a boat in this shape. MSRP $900.
I live Baton Rouge, LA. I'd be willing to drive to LA/AR border for the transaction.
I have a paddle and PFD to sell along with it for $75 extra if you're interested.
Any questions please email me.

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