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concrete put in richland

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:43 pm
by waterhog
Got word someone put concrete in roadblock rapid in richland i have to say i am not happy about this i feel that richland should be richland leave that to the playparks i mean that concrete could cause just as many problems as it does help thats some grabby stuff espec. on plastic boats. It seems like a very slippery slope and where does it stop maybe when richland is more like disneyland. we hafta hav limits to this WHAT DO U THINK????

Re: concrete put in richland

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:00 pm
by BMuu
WHAT! I hope it's not true. How would you even get concrete down there?

Classic runs such as Richland shold not be messed with.

Re: concrete put in richland

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:54 pm
by Ryan Center
Hmmm, interesting.

Re: concrete put in richland

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:57 pm
by kevohudd

Keep the natural runs natural!!!

Re: concrete put in richland

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:58 am
by bmartin
Natural as in no roads, bridges, and wood removal??? Like it or not, natural went out the window decades and centuries ago for almost all rivers and it is a matter of striking the right balance. I will withhold judgment for now, but must admit, this seems it could take us down a path where the balance could be skewed.

Re: concrete put in richland

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:32 am
by Renee H
bmartin wrote:Natural as in no roads, bridges, and wood removal??? Like it or not, natural went out the window decades and centuries ago for almost all rivers and it is a matter of striking the right balance. I will withhold judgment for now, but must admit, this seems it could take us down a path where the balance could be skewed.

Re: concrete put in richland

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:55 am
by okieboater
There may be some natural kayak/canoe/raft streams left, but I do not recall any that are totally free of man made changes. Yampa River comes to mind, but man made river side camps, irrigation channels and Steamboat Springs town run are man made and while they all change the river, in my opinion, they are reasonable.

Even the most loved "natural" runs like the Middle Fork have man made or man altered camps along the run.

One of the most loved WW streams is the Ocoee. Not much "natural" left about it. Same for the ARK in CO.

If we can get more dam controlled runs like the Ocoee and Nantahala, I am all for it.

I think the key thing is just how the "man made" changes are created and managed. What comes to mind is the Frog Rock stainer issue on the ARK. In that can this popular drop be made safer with minimal impact to the environment or do we continue to see people die there.

Re: concrete put in richland

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:04 am
by jermdog
Concrete is some sticky stuff, and the more crap stuck to roadblock rock on the upstream side, the harder it'll be for nature to roll it down the creek a little farther. In a few floods that rock will probably move or be filled in so I'm all for letting nature take it's course. I agree, leave it to the playparks.

Re: concrete put in richland

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:33 pm
by panicman
Thats a bunch of crap if true.

Re: concrete put in richland

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:31 pm
by canoe
Actually, I've seen the handiwork, and it's not concrete, but cement morter, and done rather finely, so it certainly won't be as hard on boats as rocks, plus that rock was destined to kill someone as undercut as it was, I believe that it's less likely now, and at my age, the fewer undercuts that I regularly deal with the better. There have been several boats and boaters under that rock already, and I've been surprised there hasn't been a death yet. Generally not a fan of streambed changes, but I have been known to move or cut out a tree(log) or two, and don't think I did anything wrong, and don't think this is a bad thing. In fact, I wouldn't be oppossed to moving a few rocks on river left at roadblock in order to open up the left side a little. I do however disclaim anything to do with doing the rock work(and anybody who has seen my rockwork would know that immediately). dale

Re: concrete put in richland

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:47 pm
by canoe
that is to funny Dale does suck at that sort of thing plus there is no way we would carry quickcrete that far we can barely get from the truck to the cabin... We are old Pam's version..

Re: concrete put in richland

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:46 pm
by Benji
If people have doubts about their skills on this rapid, then why not jut walk it?! If they don't have a guide then we could of put up a sign or something...Whats next? Block off door #1 because theres an undercut near the landing?? Absurd. Since no one has claimed the handiwork it makes me wonder what kind of a character would do such a thing. It seems very inconsiderate to the "regulars" on this creek who want it left alone. Like I said before, if you're not sure about your skills, walk it until you're ready.

Re: concrete put in richland

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:31 pm
by canoe
Somehow I don't think there is anyone who is more of a regular on Richland than me. if you can contest that, I'd be interested in who you think that may be. dale

Re: concrete put in richland

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:54 pm
by Benji
Well hey dale if I had a house at the put in I'd probably make more appearances myself but it is what it is. I guess that gives you a right to put un natural sh*t in the creek. Waterhogs pretty regular out that way, maybe I didn't read his post correcty but it didn't sound like he was in favor of it. Maybe when I get older I'll start to worry about undercuts more, but I doubt it.

Re: concrete put in richland

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:12 pm
by justin.payne
I say lets put some airbags under the water at the take-out and make a nice hole.....just kiddin....but seriously.