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Cossatot on Saturday Where is the viedo?

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:16 pm
by paddlinggoddess
Gary I know that both you and Tim got viedo of Chase running the Esses. :o Where is the viedo. :o He did so good and thanks to all that ran safety for all the new and old boaters a like. :clap: :clap: It was nice to see so many friends and paddle with some new ones. :D I want to see the pics and viedo soon. :poke:

Tell Chase he was awsome. :D :D

Sabrina :clap:

Re: Cossatot on Saturday Where is the viedo?

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:26 pm
by Tim Eubanks
Ditto to all of those (Tim, Gary, Roger, and the rest ) for setting up and being on hand for those making their first runs thru the esses and zigzag.

It truly was an epic day for these paddlers who made a big step up in their games! Having plenty of folks on hand to throw a rope and/or snag a boat really opened up the possibilities.

Re: Cossatot on Saturday Where is the viedo?

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:25 am
by gannon311
Yea!!! Thanks to all u guys runing safety. There were ropes flying everywhere. Good job guys Amber really appreciated it.

Re: Cossatot on Saturday Where is the viedo?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:23 am
by maggiepowell
I appreciated the extra ropes as well, especially in the Esses. Thanks for the support and I hope for a much better run next time.