Langer and Skirtworks Sprayskirts

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Langer and Skirtworks Sprayskirts

Post by Torque » Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:02 pm

Large Langer Armour 2010, with large portal, used once -100.00

XL Skirtworks skirt (SWII model) with xl portal, used once. 100.00

I bought these two skirts as experiments along with a Seals skirt for my Remix xp10 and 9. I decided to keep the Seals and sell these two. They are both in like new condition and have only been used for one trip down the Spring river for one and the Saline river for the other.

I work in the Little Rock area and can meet you from around 9am to 5pm or I can ship them to you, at actual shipping cost.

The prices are OBO, the worst I can do is say no.

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