New to forum - Looking for suggestions for a paddle trip

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New to forum - Looking for suggestions for a paddle trip

Post by Johor » Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:09 pm

I am planning for a paddling trip in Arkansas this summer and would like to get some suggestions. Right now our group is four dads and several or our teenagers that have expressed interest. Our camping experience varies but two of us are reasonably experienced in wilderness camping and have paddled extensively. We would be driving up from Houston for a week, probably the first week of June.

My thoughts are to paddle on Lake Ouachita for a week, camping on islands and shore side campgrounds. The idea is to offer the teens a range of activities, not just push for long paddling every day. I would appreciate any insights you can give me on places to camp and other activities available on shore, such as hiking. If there is another lake that would be better, we are open to that as well.

I have wanted to get into the beautiful AR woods and lakes for a long time so this is a dream trip for me and the chance to share it with my daughter is even better.


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Re: New to forum - Looking for suggestions for a paddle trip

Post by Richard » Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:05 am

Lake Ouachita is an excellent choice. Several beautiful hiking and biking trails. Hot Springs for a diversion. Lots of islands for camping and snorkeling if you want.

Plan for weather to be hot and humid. Keep in mind that June is a big chigger and tick month. Ticks can be deadly.

For island camping, Buckville on the north side of the lake is the best launch point. Ouachita trail is also on the north side. Best biking trails and Hot Springs are on the south side.
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Re: New to forum - Looking for suggestions for a paddle trip

Post by Johor » Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:33 pm

Thanks for the info. I am steadily gathering information on campsites. So far it seems like camping areas are spread all over the lake. There seem to be only a few marked hiking trials available at the camp sites. And those are near the state park. I'll keep looking.

I know it will be warm and humid in early June, but that is the time we can get there. It can't be any hotter than it is in Houston that time of year, which is actually bearable at night.

For any who are interested, I am building a web page of campgrounds around the lake. It is a work in progress and may not be permanent. Please post comments or correction to this thread. ... eIndex.htm" onclick=";return false;

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Re: New to forum - Looking for suggestions for a paddle trip

Post by Jim Krueger » Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:47 pm


You're right, there isn't a lot on the various websites on the area hiking trails. One suggestion I have is to send a PM to Beverly Buys, she doesn't get on the board often but she is one of the most knowledgeable members on Lake Ouachita's trails. A few years ago she introduced me to several miles of new trail along the lake in the vicinity of Tompkins Bend campground. This particular trail, I was told then, would hopefully extend much farther on, to join the Womble Trail and or Ouachita Trail in the future. I would also pick up a copy of Tim Ernst's book on Arkansas Hiking Trails. Also remember, much of the lake is bordered by the Ouachita National Forest, there is lots of good hiking along the lake even where no trails exist as well as numerous old road traces to walk. I really like the Buckville area for primitive camping, as well as Big Fir. I also have an RV and sometimes I enjoy the sites on the South side of the lake, like Tompkins, Denby Point, etc. for the extras like hook-ups and good access to Hot Springs. :beer:

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Re: New to forum - Looking for suggestions for a paddle trip

Post by Richard » Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:58 am

Vista Trail" onclick=";return false;

Womble Trail" onclick=";return false;
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Re: New to forum - Looking for suggestions for a paddle trip

Post by Deuce » Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:42 am

Sent you a pm, Johor.
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Re: New to forum - Looking for suggestions for a paddle trip

Post by Johor » Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:27 pm

I hadn't been back for a while, so I wanted to thank everyone who posted or the information. Our trip has been scaled down, likely to a two nighter. I still want to see this beautiful lake.

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