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Alcohol crackdown on Buffalo?

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 2:41 pm
by Tim Eubanks
Heard from a friend that a friend had been taken to the "drunk tank" in Harrison (last summer?) because he had 8 empty beer cans in his cooler, even though he passed a field sobriety test. His wife got a DUI when she came down to pick up the canoe. Evidently several people got the same treatment.
Not sure what take out it was, but since they were taken to Harrison, must have been up-stream of Carver?
Anybody hear about this?

Re: Alcohol crackdown on Buffalo?

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 8:56 pm
by Cowper
Haven't heard about it, but I hope it is an isolated case. While I applaud the efforts necessary to keep the Buffalo from becoming just another Spring River party scene, I think it would be very short-sighted to base fines or actions on the number of empties in the cooler.

Might as well post a new rule on the Internet: "All empty beer cans are required to be thrown overboard when nobody is looking!"

Re: Alcohol crackdown on Buffalo?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 8:04 am
by okieboater
Cowper is right on target.

The law of unintended consequences will take over if the authorities decide that empty beer cans on the Buffy or anywhere else is gonna get you a DUI or what ever the authorities use to justify the arrest.

Look for more tossed into the river or river bank beer can empties if the authorities keep this up.

Re: Alcohol crackdown on Buffalo?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 9:51 am
by Eric Esche
Boy they would have had a hay day with Mary and I then. WE picked up nearly two mesh bags full of cans, and that was after my crunching them. We came around a bend and there were over 30 cans shining at us, and Mary said we have to stop and do something about this, so we did. We also got 2 tires, leaving them at the take out dumpster. Next they will get me for illegal dumping of tires. Hope someone comes to bail me out if they decide to arrest me. Maybe I need to start keeping a set of water proof phone numbers with me. Not going to stop picking up cans and tires.


Re: Alcohol crackdown on Buffalo?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 10:43 am
by Sparky
They are running road blocks on the Ponca to Kyles area of the Buffalo. I had to pass through the road block twice at Steel Creek last spring about this time. The word from our friends that live near Jasper is the new road blocks will be at Low Gap so they'll have more room to process.

I have a friend who was pulled over at Kyles as he left for supposedly having a 20 foot rope hanging off the back of his truck. This was not so. He received a DUI but was smart enough to have a private analysis done and passed. He said the court system in Harrison was amazing, couldn't tell who was in charge. There was the NPS, Newton County, and Boone County. He was found guilty and his Harrison attorney wouldn't file an appeal. He filed one himself and has never heard another word form the court. His speculation is that the feds are using the Buffalo for a training ground.

Also beware in Jasper, they have a new deputy and he is enforcing the laws. Simply put, you might want to enjoy your beverages at camp or where ever you're staying.

My wife and I also experienced a road block at Ferabee on the Nantahala last year. They must be praying on NOC's new license. Be careful out there.


Re: Alcohol crackdown on Buffalo?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 12:43 pm
by Water bug
YES! 4th of July '09 there was a "boat block" on the river. Boats were searched on the river in Searcy County.
Mid-July we were warned by boaters upriver from Hwy 14 bridge that there were plain clothes folks out on the banks and beware before you pulled you boat in. Our group of 30 had no problems.
However, I watched a poor soul walk up to his truck, unlock the door and sit in the truck (waiting for his group to reach the truck). He was approached by a uniformed Park Ranger. Before we loaded our boats and left, he was taken away.
Recommendation: float the Little Red Middle Fork or Archey Fork. Great floats and no PEOPLE!
I do not drink alkyhol on the river. I will still pick up cans! :clap:

Re: Alcohol crackdown on Buffalo?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 8:39 pm
by gnick4
My son and I picked up about 15 cans from Kyles to Pruitt on Tuesday. Didn't have anything to drink(alcohol) and would have been pissed if I had gotten hauled in for picking up someones litter. We will be picking more cans up if this type of thing continues.

Re: Alcohol crackdown on Buffalo?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 6:02 am
by painterbob
at the spring meeting of the nps, we were told that the buffalo was going to be family friendly place to come and enjoy!!.... summer drinking on the river has always been a problem. but to pick up the trail of empty cans has never been the problem? trust me the rangers, and game and fish officers can tell if your a trash picker, or a drunk by that look in your eyes... :crazy: ...... and if not the sheriff will when you get to the highway! the newest thing is a public intox in the camp ground. along with a huge, out of control meth problem in the area

Re: Alcohol crackdown on Buffalo?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 8:15 am
by okieboater

Sorry to hear about what is happening to our outdoor parks, especially the Buffalo, our local jewel.

Rangers and campers have plenty to worry about outdoor safety without alcohol and meth issues.

I know here in Tulsa the meth house problem is in the news all the time.
Normally the issue is a house, lately apartments or some ones garage catching on fire from making meth.

Did the Rangers tell you guys anything us general public types can do to help control this problem other than picking up aluminum cans?

Re: Alcohol crackdown on Buffalo?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 3:47 pm
by Richard
Just an amusing side note.
1. I was stopped a few years ago at Tyler Bend. They were convinced I must have been drinking because of my red face. After searching the car they let me go.
2. After three weeks of trail-building with various groups, pavilion #2 at Buffalo Point had accumulated several alcohol related bottles, cans and cardboard boxes. Ken Smith is a recycler so when we were unloading stuff at the Tyler Bend maintenance shop, he took the bottles and I took the cardboard to Bob Stouts house. Wonder what they would have thought if they stopped Ken Smith. Ken wrote the book (actually two) on the Buffalo and has done more for that river than any other person.

Re: Alcohol crackdown on Buffalo?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 7:49 pm
by sugarmtngal
It's not only here on the Buffalo; ran into some Kayakers on
the Animas River, Durango about 5 miles north
of town-
They said the law was cracking down on the river and
hiring a special unit specifically to patrol the
Animas River (alcohol and other mood enhancing substances).
Keep on paddling -

Re: Alcohol crackdown on Buffalo?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 11:08 pm
by painterbob
well today i can report, at the river we had a full force attack on the floaters... they were all out and working hard to keep up. and with the low water levels, all the rental canoes on the upper district are floating from Pruitt to hasty...... "it was like shooting fish in a barrel!!" ...i have never seen so many trooper's on the backwoods roads like today!.... so here are tips of the day are, the road to hasty bridge is 30 m.p.h. ....and two, don't go near gene rush wild life area,or anything west in that whole quadrant ..what has been going on over there is so bad i won't even say. it's just too sick.. but.this was a warning given to me! stay away, don't hike, bike, walk, drive,or look at that side of the road kinda taboo.. it's ground zero in some major meth crimes

Re: Alcohol crackdown on Buffalo?

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 3:52 pm
by Mike_P
Planning on camping at Ozark this coming weekend. Thanks for the heads up. Any major issues with the Ozark/Erbie areas lately?

We won't be drinking but hopefully picking up some trash on the river.


Re: Alcohol crackdown on Buffalo?

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 5:17 pm
by painterbob
no problems at the camp grounds, both have camp ground host's ,and are under the watchful eye's of the rangers .but the water is almost too low to float above ozark.....

Re: Alcohol crackdown on Buffalo?

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 6:39 pm
by Mike_P
I'm hoping the rain this week will bump the river levels. If not we'll head downstream.