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First Call for WW School River Staff Volunteers

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 7:50 pm
by Kim Tucker
It's that time again! The 2010 (35th Annual) ACC School of WW Paddling (a/k/a Canoe School) is the weekend of April 30 to May 2.

The volunteer Commitments over the next few weeks will set the number and type of classes that we can offer this year so we need to have the staff lined up by the 1st of March. If you are interested in helping instruct or running sweep for a class, please e-mail me at Not all staff needs to be an ACA certified instructor, we can use all the experienced paddlers we can get! For ACA compliance purposes, we will need to put one ACA certified instructor with each class but you do not need to be a certified instructor to co-teach or run sweep for a class. All staff should have taken a SWR class or have significant rescue experience on class II and above.

Please e-mail me at by March 1 if you can help. If you did not help with the school last year, or if your contact number has changed, I'll need a phone number and, if you are an ACA member, your ACA number. Also if you haven't helped with the school before, please give me a very brief summary of your paddling experience, whether you canoe of kayak or both and any experience you might have in teaching paddling (i.e. roll sessions, teaching friends, etc).

If you've never helped with the WW School, it is a lot of fun!


Re: First Call for WW School River Staff Volunteers

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:49 am
by Fish
I will be there for sure, representing the North-Northwest Chapter, aka The High Plains Drifters. Will help out with the catfish fry too, and not just because I can sneak some free catfish filets and hushpuppies. 8)

Looking forward to teaching and hanging out with all my good friends.

- Fish

Re: First Call for WW School River Staff Volunteers

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:31 am
by coach cal
I'm too late to the party, but if you need any shuttle drivers or anything like that i would love to help.