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surfing Swepco in Gentry
Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:25 pm
by Victor Caballeros
Has anyone ever surf the waves that come out of swepco in Gentry? The water is a nice 70-75 degree during the winter months. I was just thinking about it to see if anyone has ever done this?
Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry
Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:45 pm
by hfunkhouser
Do you have any pic's of it?
Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry
Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 4:13 pm
by Victor Caballeros
I grew up there and never thought about it. what I remember it looked like you could surf it. This weekend I'll head out there to see if the same like it was 10 years ago and try to take some pics of it. Just woundering if anyone surfed it but i'll try it.
Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:25 am
by justin.payne
Victor, is this where the lake pours out to flint creek? There are several sweet surfing ledges on flint creek as it enters into New Life Ranch, but there is a huge sign there that says, "Private Lake, No Boaters" or something to that effect. I talked to the guys that work there and I think they would give you permission to surf down there, but it would probably have to be when they do not have any kids down there.
Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:42 am
by Victor Caballeros
It's on Flint Creek lake where the Swepco Power plant is. The water from the Power plant blast out of there from 3 six foot across pipe and runs down a canal. At the end of the canal there is a nice ledge that makes a nice wave to surf. Also the water is a nice 70-75 degree and in the winter months you wouldn't even need a wet suit and dry jacket.
Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:24 am
by curly
Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:35 am
by Victor Caballeros
Curly is there a place to surf? I didn't see anywhere were you could. It's been about 15 years since i've been there so I really couldn't remember what is out there, but that would save me a drive to find out. Thanks for the pic's
Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:40 am
by curly
You know, I really don't think there is. It has been 4 or 5 years since I have been up there, but with some 'habitat restoration/improvement' projects, the area has potential.
Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:29 am
by Victor Caballeros
would you think swepco would consider making some changes to that location to make it a paddler friendly spot? Now you got me thinking about heading up there to talk to someone about making it a surfing spot
Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:43 am
by Regud
Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:58 am
by Victor Caballeros
Yeah That's it!! It's about a hundred ft long. I'm from Gentry grew up there and I might head back there and see if they could maybe fix it where someone can do some surfing. Plus the water is nice and warm. The down side is that there is little coal particles in the water
Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 4:51 pm
by jermdog
I bet the coal particles would just help you with an internal cleansing.
Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 5:43 pm
by Fish
We first went out there in about 1993 or so... wow, has it been that long. There were maybe a few folks out there before us, but not too many. Warm water all winter. The lake level made a big difference in the bottom ledge/hole. When the level was right, the hole was pretty good for surfing. Those were the days of the long boats. We called it the "Hot Tub" due to the warm water. We carried up and ran the top ledges too quite a bit. The big one is maybe 5 feet or so, and is not a gimme. A class 3 drop if you stay upright, but a flip would definitely put your head into some ugly rock (not river smooth stuff - just jagged fill rocks). And several roostertails make it quite possible to flip. We took it serious. Also, the carry up was of dubious legality since it's power company land. We did it anyway, and a couple times they stopped in their trucks and actually watched us. I quit going there in the late 90's and when 9/11 happened, I figured that going near power plants of any kind would attract a lot more attention... of the negative kind. Haven't been out there since.
At one point, a guy who lived out there and worked at the plant called me about developing the outflow into a whitewater park type of thing. However, I don't remember it getting any support from the company management, and I lost touch with him. There's definitely enough flow to work... if it were to be channeled down some more, it would make a great playspot, maybe along the line of Dierks. And it runs all winter and is warm.
I have some photos of us running and surfing it somewhere in my hardcopy photo boxes. If I run across them, I'll post a couple. I think the best surfing level was a bit lower than in the photos posted here, when the bottom ledge forms more of a hole and less of a wave. If you could channel it down more... it could get really good!
- Fish
Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:45 pm
by A Savage spanke
Any good boofs? I'd rather drive there than to Fishers Ford, I bet the run would be worth the extra distance even with a crappy surf hole
Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:50 am
by Cowper
1) Warm water, decent water quality
2) Adequate drop for two or more "major" features
3) Guaranteed cfs rate, no fluctuation to challenge designers
4) Someone else is paying for the pumping costs
5) The energy usage for pumping is not a "frivolous" use for recreation like some play parks, it is energy that "must" be used to run an existing plant
5) Park and play access via existing roads
6) Will never go to "flood stage" and then require repair later
7) No debates about the ethics of modifying natural streams. This is a man-made channel to start with.
8 ) Potential benefit to local economy
9) Potential PR benefit for "big-bad" power company
10) Runs 24/7, just add stadium lights for summertime fun
11) Excellent construction opportunities during planned plant outages
12) Scale modelling feasible as a school project for some budding Civil engineer; could even lead to future employment with a firm like those working on other WW parks around the country
These things typically take several years, and someone has to make it a personal priority to keep hammering. Please get started soon; if you do I'll be able to surf it before I get too old to boat.