My canary yellow Old Town Otter fishin' kayak was stolen out of the back of my pickup in Fayetteville in the wee hours of the morning Tuesday, May 19. Also nabbed by the dickless weasels involved was one very distinctive hand-carved kayak paddle, and all of my fishing poles and tackle.
However, I realize the fact that its disappearance coincides with Memorial Day Weekend is likely no mere coincidence, and the spineless dog who perpetrated this heinous act will quite possibly be out on one of our fine Arkansan waterways this very weekend!!! Perhaps even with a distinctive wooden kayak paddle.
So-- in the interest of preserving the safety of ourselves and our property in our native home of NWArkansas, not to mention getting the kayak back, I would greatly appreciate everyone keeping their eyes peeled as they take to the waterways this weekend for a canary-yellow Old Town Otter kayak, missing the handle on the bow(front); perhaps being piloted with the wooden kayak paddle pictured at the top of this post.
Let's send the message to these amateur Somali pirates that this sort of behavior will not be tolerated.
If spotted, you should take note of the description of the perp, any vehicles they might be using, license plate numbers and any other pertinent information and contact the Fayetteville PD: 479-587-3555; myself: 479-790-8328; or whatever the local law enforcement agency is.
And on an entirely unrelated note, I'm playing a show next Wednesday at the Smoke and Barrell on Dickson. It also happens to be my birthday.
So thanks guys, and enjoy your holiday weekends.
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