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Question about NOC

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 9:24 pm
by rublelvr
I am in my second year of paddling and definitely need some formal instruction in paddling techniques etc. Can anyone tell me if the course given at NOC is worth the investment and drive or are there better kayak schools to consider. Any advice from the veterans out there would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Question about NOC

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 10:06 pm
by Pad1dle
NOC instuction is very professional and worth the $$. Many ACC padlers have been there.

You might also check this club school out. I have been to a couple of their classes. One for ww solo canoe and one for ww kayak. Much like the ACC school, except they have dam-release water." onclick=";return false;

This club group offers schools as well as their "Week Of Rivers". Never attended their event myself--Some of my friends really liked it." onclick=";return false;
You are on the right track to want formal instruction! My 2 cents, Jerry Martin

Re: Question about NOC

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 10:08 pm
by Lupe
Hi there,

I have done 2 sets of instruction: one was what I think was a 4 day "intermediate" course with NOC during my second year, and then in my third year I did 2 days of private instruction with Endless River Adventures, also located there in the Nantahala Gorge.

NOC is great because they do EVERYTHING for you: you eat breakfast at the cafe, they pack a lunch for you for the river, and then you eat dinner together each night at Relia's Garden (the food is scrumptious!). You stay in one of the cabins and basically all you do is sleep and paddle and not worry about anything else. I got lucky because I was signed up for a special guest instructor, and there ended up being only one other student, so we had a LOT of individual attention. I learned a ton and it really improved my technique tremendously. I have to say, she worked us hard, and by the fourth day, both me and the other student were pretty whipped! Definitely worth it and I must admit, I rather enjoyed not worry about anything.

The next year I did 2 days with ERA. They don't do classes - it's all private instruction although you can form your own small group with friends if you want if you have similar goals. This instruction was incredible because it is all about YOU and YOUR very specific goals. Once again I learned just a ton. If I remember correctly, when I got home from my ERA instruction people actually NOTICED a difference in my paddling as those 2 days ramped not just my skills but also my confidence way up. ERA is instruction only - you pack your own clif bar or whatever for the river and camping/lodging is up to you. I feel the ERA instructors are really incredible at what they do, and I recommend them very highly.

They both are really excellent and I don't feel you can go wrong with either. If you can't swing the longer 4/5 day courses at NOC, then getting 2-3 days of one-one instruction with ERA might work better for you.

Hope that helps,
Heather (aka Lupe)

Re: Question about NOC

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 10:28 pm
by rublelvr
Pad1dle and Lupe, thanks for taking the time to answer my post I know it takes time to answer a post like this and I really appreciate it. Both of you have given me some good insight and things to consider. I tried searching on the internet for reviews of the NOC facility but could not find very much. I wanted to hear from someone who had actually been there and experienced it so your advice was really helpful.

Re: Question about NOC

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 10:43 pm
by T Yamashita
NOC! NOC! NOC! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I did their canoe instruction waaay back in the '90's & I found it very worthwhile. The Nanty is a great river and it's fun just being there. You can get sucked into not wanting to leave. The people are great, the store and food is great, the area is also great. I would consider it pretty close to paddlin' heaven :wink:

ty :beer:

Re: Question about NOC

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 10:52 pm
by Monsoon
I'll jump in and say thanks Lupe and Paddle. I think I might take full advantage of the NOC deal just because its good to not worry about anything. Tops!!!

Re: Question about NOC

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 11:23 pm
by Lupe
Oh yeah...

Did I mention that if you are an ARKANSAS CANOE CLUB member, you get 10% discount off anything you buy at the NOC store as well as 10% discount off of instruction? :D


Actually, many places over there - ERA included - also offer the paddling club discount because the Arkansas Canoe Club is a "Paddle Sports America" club with the American Canoe Association.

"Membership Has Its Privileges"

Re: Question about NOC

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 7:38 am
by RomanLA
I did raft guide school with NOC last spring. It's definitely nice staying there with them feeding you. I tried to take the Intermediate I class last summer, but they didn't have enough people sign up. I ended up getting a half day of private instruction instead. It worked out good, because the instructor said my skills were past the Intermediate I class anyway. They've changed the way they do classes this year.

Re: Question about NOC

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:36 am
by Phil in K.C.
Try and get in a class given by John Holdmier[sp]..great young paddler and a Missouri boy to boot!

Re: Question about NOC

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 9:52 am
by David Mac
I definately agree with the others that NOC is good instruction and great for a one-stop-shopping, no-hassles visit. Best time to go is in the summer months when the air temp can offset the cold water and everything is in full swing. During early spring and late fall they cut the operating hours of the resturants and have a smaller, off-season menu. In the winter they close the school completely, leaving only the store and River's End open.

The only thing they don't supply is your river clothes. (Paddle shorts, water-wicking top, fleece, drysuit/top, river shoes) They do have some spash-tops and such but it's best to bring you own. For that matter I would bring my own helmet and PFD as well, just because I like the way my own stuff fits.


Re: Question about NOC

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 11:04 am
Gotta agree with everything I've seen posted here about the NOC. I've been through two courses out there and enrolled my daughter in a youth class once as well. Facilities can't be beat and location is perfect.

One bit of advice I would offer for anyone going out there. Don't underestimate your skill level when you sign up for a class. I know this is counter to most advice you get about paddling where you don't want to OVER ESTIMATE your skill and get on a river above your comfort level.

Many of the students that go to the NOC go once a year. The first year they take a beginner class, the next year an intermediate class, the third year a play boating class, etc. That may be the only actual boating that they do.

Most folks I know from around here paddle a lot more than once a year and have good basic skills that come from time on the water. Be honest with your self assessment on any applications but don't underestimate your skills thinking you might get put in a class with a bunch of super skilled paddlers just cause it is held at the NOC.

Have to agree also with what Lupe said. Better get in good shape so you can make the most out of the experience. I took a play boating class one time and by the end of the third day I couldn't hardly move. The next year they added a new class, "Play Boating for Old Farts".

I felt kind of responsible in some small way for that class being created! :oops:

Re: Question about NOC

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 11:21 am
by A Savage spanke
Out of all the class 5 boaters I go with, one got formal instruction. Just kayak more, use that cash for shuttles, it'll go a long ways. Be raft guide, it finances kayaking everyday

Re: Question about NOC

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 11:38 am
by Half Ton
All suggestions are good here.... I think even spankes Idea is good :shock:

I have never had any formal instruction mostly because my friends are excellent paddlers and they have taught and still teach me what I need to know and tell me what I need to work on to continually improve the skill set.

Of course, I have great friends, and am a cheap bastard who would not pay the bling to have the formal NOC et al, teach me.

Now, If I had blingity to burn, and wanted a paddling vacation, and wanted to learn, and did not have the ability to go paddle often or with friends that can teach me, I would go in a heartbeat.

But, I am a cheap bastard. Here is to PBR :beer:

Re: Question about NOC

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 1:55 pm
Go get you a room at Holiday Inn Express, then run all the meat you can find!!!!!!!
NOC does have great instructors, but the ACC has some awesome ones too. All the instructors that do private instruction are listed on this message board. Sorry, i dont remember where to find it, but i did see it once.

Re: Question about NOC

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 9:16 am
by Lupe
Well, pooh.

I've been dealing with NOC to get them our most recent membership list for club discount, and they just told me that they now give the discount only for the retail store. Not sure when they switched, as it seems like it was just a year a go that I called about the discount info to put on our membership page and it was for both.

Anyway, I wanted to be sure to update everyone so that there wasn't any confusion: ACC discount at NOC is retail store only. Still a good deal, but the discount on instruction sure was sweet.

I've gone ahead and changed the info on our membership page to also correctly reflect the discount given.
