Beech Creek May 2, 2009

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Beech Creek May 2, 2009

Post by shelbyjohnson » Tue May 05, 2009 7:30 am

Saturday loaded up at the Boxley bridge. The painted gauge for Beech didn't show much over 3 feet, but it had been raining.


We had a pretty happy group for the drag into the gorge.


I have two rings of poison ivy around my ankles now. The trail down wasn't too bad. The ice storm damage is mostly at the top. We were also blessed to have shuttle drivers who graciously saved us a bunch of time! Thanks guys!

The going was rough in the first mile. The very first drop is the put in. Its called "Wake Up" It ate a couple of the group. The first mile is basically one continuous rapid known as the "Jungle Gym"

This shot illustrates the hampered visibility of low hanging limbs. We also had some wood in the creek too. This is Joe running this unnamed rapid.


I needed a rest and saw this creek on river right and pulled in for a break.

Group photo from left to right. Steve McBee and Lance Jones. On the boulder back row Kyle Bogard, Joe and Amy, Tracy Tate. Front row Pat Zimmerman and Riley Frakes.


Unfortunately Beech at this level does not lend itself to much photo taking. That's probably why there aren't many pictures of the other unamed drops. This is Steve McBee at the scout from creek right looking into Beech Falls. In between the previous photo and this one we had covered 3 or 4 miles of creek running 6 or 7 other Class IV drops that included a falls, multiple boulder garden drops, White Lightening, and Beech Ball. [BTW wood on left at Beech Ball the right line is clean.]


Pat Zimmerman running the correct line just off the volkswagon boulder to hit the slab and stay far left of the infamous rooster tail at Beech Falls. He cleaned it as did everyone else.

One of the most photogenic waterfalls along the creek. The lower section of the creek has a waterfall coming into almost every quarter mile. They are all beautiful. This one exceptionally so.


The umbrella magnolias were in full bloom. I paddled to a low hanging limb to smell the bloom. I decided to pick it and bring home to Belinda so I stuffed in the back of my life jacket for that last mile of calmer water to the takeout.


BETA: Beech on the painted gauge was just below 3 feet at 11AM. It had been raining the previous two hours with heavier bits of rain onto of a soaked system. By the time we ran shuttle to the top and did the drag down for put on it was noon. At the takeout at 6PM the gauge read just above 4 feet. In the 6 hour period we were on the creek it had risen from 3 up to 6 and back down to 4. That dramatic fluctuation in a very short time period is normal for Beech. A run on Beech is very hard to catch because this creek drains itself so fast. We were lucky to have daylight and relatively warm temperatures. The upper two miles with leaves on is very poor visibility. We were putting on the creek at what I judged to be the peak of its surge. We bank scouted 3 or 4 times. We had one mandatory portage at "Coming Home" there is wood in it. All other wood we encountered was visible above and we could slide through, around or over.

[In my loose memory of Beech lore I believe Amy joined an exclusive ladies club of Tracy Tate and Jonna Hussey both who'd run it before as the only three ladies to my knowledge that have run Beech. Its a classy club.]

That was Day One of my tripple crown for this spring. Day Two included ELFB, and Richland yesterday. There are tons of other stories and reports about the Beech run. I left out most of the highlights so I hope my trip mates will fill in the rest of the details.
Shelby Johnson

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Re: Beech Creek May 2, 2009

Post by Fish » Tue May 05, 2009 7:35 am

Congrats on a great run Shelb! Which rapid is Coming Home? Glad the wood wasn't too bad. Lots of new wood on the Hailstone Sun, just not much blocking the stream. But things will shuffle a lot in the next floods.

- Fish

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Re: Beech Creek May 2, 2009

Post by shelbyjohnson » Tue May 05, 2009 7:50 am

Its got a boulder on the left with a deep hole creekwide. The hole lessens on the far right and at big water we sort of boof the right side to hop the hole, then immediately move to the far left to run around the far left slot of the two house sized boulders below the hole. Its one we almost always scout because the horizon is pretty high and the house sized boulders below have water going under both (undercuts). We always make that lefty move to go around the left chute. Don't know if you will remember it from that description or not but that's another one we don't have a photo of...

The hole is clean but the far left chute we normally run had a log in it just above. It could be run but was way too sketchy to attempt with the limbs sticking up right in the move where you needed to be.
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Re: Beech Creek May 2, 2009

Post by shelbyjohnson » Tue May 05, 2009 7:54 am

BTW - missed having you there Fish. I half expected you to show up.
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Re: Beech Creek May 2, 2009

Post by Fish » Tue May 05, 2009 8:11 am

I was teaching at Canoe School, waiting for the rain to stop. :)

- Fish

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Re: Beech Creek May 2, 2009

Post by Lazer » Tue May 05, 2009 8:50 am

Shelby and I were up to no-good this weekend. We were the only ones to may the triple header of Beach, ELFB and Richland, all at optimum levels, over the past 3 days. A few paddlers had other great combos of creeks, but I think its hard to beat these three Ozark classics on back to back to back days! :drool:

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Re: Beech Creek May 2, 2009

Post by RandyJ » Tue May 05, 2009 11:55 am

Lazer wrote:Shelby and I were up to no-good this weekend. We were the only ones to may the triple header of Beach, ELFB and Richland, all at optimum levels, over the past 3 days. A few paddlers had other great combos of creeks, but I think its hard to beat these three Ozark classics on back to back to back days! :drool:
Yeah, that's a most excellent hat trick. Congrats.
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Re: Beech Creek May 2, 2009

Post by Boofaholic » Tue May 05, 2009 4:36 pm

Yep, we opted out of eflb(and therefore the triple crown) for 2 phat laps down richland(5 in & 0 in) and a long devils huck sesh :wink: , not b/c of possibly low levels.Although the unknown wood situation and hike certainly played a small part as well. Glad you fellas had a sweet day!props on gettin your squeeeeze on fellas. Amy and I had a great day w/ everyone on Beech.Phat flows, a good crew, tons of good rapids, beautiful scenery, and Shelby's valuable Beech beta, it just cant get any better than that! Beech might not be the steepest creek around but w/ enough water it is definitely THE CLASSIC creek of the Ozarks! IMO.Richland was wonderful as well.We put on expecting levels to drop from 5 inches, however they actually kept creeping up. 1st lap was fun and we met Ben Rodda and Jake at the confluence and they joined us for a lil huckin of long devils falls.I believe it was their 1st time off it and they both had good lines. Congrats fellas.2nd lap the flow was still creeping up and we essentially raced down w/ the surge and took out @ 0 inches!I think we floated it in under 55 min. the 2nd lap. Great weekend fo sheezy! :D I've updated my blog w/ pictures from sat & sun! update @
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Name: Amy Cutrer

Re: Beech Creek May 2, 2009

Post by AmyC » Tue May 05, 2009 7:34 pm

I have heard a lot about Beech Creek. How long and intense, but yet extremely beautiful it is. It has no warm up (in fact the 1st drop :hammer: me), and actually gets progressively harder for three-quarters of the run. With the leaves now fully blown, visibility was very low until we hit Beech Proper. This really had me gripped, and made me nervous about the committment I had just made to a long and remote run of class IV. Even though the trees eventually let up, which helped my nerves, the rapids continuously got harder and harder. However, the run became more and more committing. The difficulty increased until we hit Beech Falls, and just when I thought I could not run anymore demanding rapids, the difficulty gradually decreased from IV+ to III/IV-,and the scenery amped up to class V :D !! Absolutely the most rewarding and exhausting creeking experience to date for myself. Good thing my roll is bomber as I had to use it often. Had one sketchy line at Door #4, I took door #3 (not the line). I had no swims and many rewarding lines. Definitely the most awesome creek I've been on!

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Re: Beech Creek May 2, 2009

Post by hollohead » Wed May 06, 2009 8:08 am

Way to go Amy, what an awesome accomplishment. I am really impressed and envious. No need for you to be nervous, your a great boater. :clap: :clap: The only bad thing is, I'll probably never get to boat with you guys again. Roger

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Re: Beech Creek May 2, 2009

Post by Ryan Center » Wed May 06, 2009 5:14 pm

Wish I could have been there. As many of you who know me know, I always say Beech is my favorite creek run in AR. Shelby, nice write up.

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Re: Beech Creek May 2, 2009

Post by RandyJ » Wed May 06, 2009 10:28 pm

Ryan, you missed Beech again today. Low water, but still a great time. I'd ride White Lightnin' all day if I could - what a hoot. I'll post some pics here in a bit.
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