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Pics of Sam's Throne 2/7/09 BIG PICS!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:52 pm
by JayW
So we went down to do some climbing a few weeks ago and were amazed at what we saw. Here are some pics. Looks like it will be quite a while before it gets back to normal.

Ok so I didnt realize the pics were so big so here is a link to the pics.


Re: Pics of Sam's Throne 2/7/09 BIG PICS!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:01 pm
by Prairie Tater
Thanks for the photos, Jay...BIG pictures of a BIG catastrophe. I think Mama Nature will heal the forest fairly quickly, however. I've noticed that evidence of our Springfield ice storm of '07 is getting harder and harder to find.

On the bright side: should be a really good firewood supply for a few years, and maybe an increase of Blowlogs! :D
