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Camping in Arkansas near kayaking rivers

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:52 am
by mnkayakingfool
In relation to camping, are there available camping spots open this time of year in anticipation of our trip this next week? Can you provide me with camping spots near the following:

Boston Mtns (near the Mulberry/Big Piney/Frog)

Ouchita Mtns


Also, we plan on also doing some hiking. Are the trails around these areas still open with all the ice damage that occured.

I appreciate any assistance you could provide.



Re: Camping in Arkansas near kayaking rivers

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:40 am
by Jim Krueger
In the Ouachita Mountains, one of the premier places for mountain scenery, hiking, and boating on the Little Missouri river is Camp Albert Pike, a national forest campground. If we've had adequate rain at the time, the Little Missouri is the most closely on a par in difficulty to the other streams you mentioned.
Two other rivers in the region, also with beautiful scenery, are the Ouachita and Caddo, both in the class I-II range, and both more runnable when the Little Missouri is a bit low. Dragover is one small campground on the Ouachita that I like, there are several private campgrounds on the Ouachita near Sims and Oden. No public campgrounds on the Caddo but several nice ones privately run at Caddo Gap;Arrowhead Outfitters, and at Glenwood ;Caddo River Camping&Canoe.
Information on all three of these rivers is available on the ACC homepage as well as other links indicated. I hope you have just a great trip everywhere you go in Arkansas! As beautiful as the Ozark and Ouachita mountains are, I think you'll be thrilled to see how they differ too.

Best Regards
Jim Moose

Re: Camping in Arkansas near kayaking rivers

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:44 am
by Phil in K.C.
If your going to the Mullberry finer place than Turners Bend.
Brad and his crew have been providing for the likes of us for too many years to remember!" onclick=";return false;

Re: Camping in Arkansas near kayaking rivers

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:04 pm
by A Savage spanke
Isn't there pretty much free camping at any national forest?

Re: Camping in Arkansas near kayaking rivers

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:15 pm
by Clif
mnkayakingfool wrote:Also, we plan on also doing some hiking. Are the trails around these areas still open with all the ice damage that occured.
Ouachita trails are no problem. Many ozark trails are messed up. Work by volunteers has started to clean em up. Check with some ranger stations for trails in the north part.

Re: Camping in Arkansas near kayaking rivers

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:50 pm
by Lifejacket
Very good point Cliff. I also second Jim's motion for the Ouachita Little Missouri area. To answer spanke's question yes there are many roadside camping spots on most national forest roads, generally around streams and so forth. If you want primative roadside camping for the Albert Pike area I could give you a few suggestions that would not be to far from the showers and restroom.

Re: Camping in Arkansas near kayaking rivers

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:05 pm
by JTarver
I dunno about free, but Lake Ouachita has some gorgeous campgrounds, and is really close to the Ouachita river in Malvern. From there, for hiking, you can always check out Lake Catherine State park area...they have some beautiful trails through there, and camping as well. It shouldn't be too expensive...I'm sure they have the prices posted on their website." onclick=";return false;

Hope you all have a good time while you're here. If it rains, you should be in for a real treat. Make sure you check the board when you come down as well, you never know what will be running during that time. or what trips you might be able to join up with.


Re: Camping in Arkansas near kayaking rivers

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:33 pm
by ieatcrayons
A Savage spanke wrote:Isn't there pretty much free camping at any national forest?

this time of year.. most campgrounds are free.

Re: Camping in Arkansas near kayaking rivers

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:04 pm
by Fish
If you're outside a park on formal campground and in the National Forrest, I think the rule is you can camp anywhere as long as you're far enough from any stream or road. I think it's something like 100 feet, but I could be wrong. The Ozark National Forest is my favorite campground - remember to leave no trace!

- Fish

Re: Camping in Arkansas near kayaking rivers

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:33 pm
by RomanLA
I hiked Eagle Rock Loop a couple months back. My favorite section was the stretch between Albert Pike Campground and Winding Stairs. There are a number of places to camp at Winding Stairs. The Forest Service recently updated the online brochure with a bunch of nice maps too! ... op_005.pdf

Re: Camping in Arkansas near kayaking rivers

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:50 am
by Clif
hey Kfool, came across this.. hope it helps." onclick=";return false;

happy travels