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Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:37 pm
by Ben Rodda

Yes that is it... I think that this place could be a huge benefit to us. We should attempt to find out as much as we can about this location.


Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 8:02 pm
by Fish
The Dickerson course was originally designed for Olympic training. Won't hurt to mention that it's an Olympic sport to SWEPCO...

Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:08 am
by Victor Caballeros
This is what i'm trying to do if anyone has another Idea let me know. I want to set up a meeting with the right person in swepco to give him a Idea of this Huge plan of a big park that I have. If he gives me the blessing that I need to make it happen than my next step is to talk to the city and a developer of WW parks. Next I have to get funding for this? I don't know how to get it, but I'm sure the Developer would. I also want this park to be very friendly to everyone included us Kayakers. I also noticed that AEP/Swepco also did this in another state and made a huge Park about 100 acres. So I don't see why they can't do it here.

Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:18 am
by Fish
I think the folks that are involved on this thread (Justin, Victor, Ben, etc.) need to try to get together and make sure everyone is working together on an agreed upon plan to get this done. How about a meeting over dinner to has things out?

Victor, big plans are cool, but you might want to be ready to show them that if they don't do everything at first (for monetary reasons), that you can see starting smaller and ramping up over time. I don't know if they'll respond better to a big project proposal or a small one - need to feel them out for that if at all possible. Find the right person to talk to - someone who likes the idea and who knows how the system works at SWEPCO to make it happen (Justin seems to have a good "in" to find out that info) - and then feel this out with that person as a "partner."

Just some suggestions. I really think you guys should meet tho. If you do, I can't make it, but let me know and maybe I can phone conference in. :)

- FIsh

Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:16 pm
by justin.payne
Good call Fish. Is everyone going to be at the NWAR Chapter Meeting? Maybe we could meet a little earlier, or later to discuss this. If you have any infomation at all, bring it with you.

Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:41 pm
by Victor Caballeros
This is what needs to happen!

First We need a Team that will take this and go with it!

The Team will so far be Justin, Ben, Fish, and Myself. Sorry Fish but your in cause we need your Knowledge!! This is not the whole team cause we need some more people with Experince to jump on board!!

So if anyone wants to take this on please respond and get a list together and set up a time to meet. SOON VERY SOON!! with a week maybe two

Second The team will have to talk about the best way to complete this task!

This is to make sure that everyone is on the same page so there will be no blunders happing!!

So First I need people to join the Team so please respond to this Thread!

Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:56 pm
by unicorn
Y'all can count me in for any help you may need.

plus I present ideas for a living.

Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:12 pm
by Fish
I'll have to serve on the team "board of advisors" I suppose. I'm out of the area these days. Other folks who are not in NWA that should be advisors include Dave R. and Randy J. from Tulsa, both of whom have worked on plans for a park at the Tulsa Wave. Scott H., Lance J., etc. (sorry but I forget exactly who) worked on getting the Corps to set up the site at Dierks and are currently working on Rockport. I don't think they would see a Gentry site as some kind of competition - the sites are a solid 4 hour drive from each other, so they're not going to (often) draw the same people in. Those guys are probably the best in the area in terms of having researched the building of parks and in terms of actually working with city officials and companies to make it happen.

My best advice is to not get in too big a rush, take your time, talk with people who've tried to do this or have done it, find out what approaches have worked and what haven't. Prepare very well before you need to present this to SWEPCO and/or Gentry. The more professional and well thought out your "pitch" is, the more likely you are to succeed.

I will donate my plans and my survey data to the cause as well. Might be some usable stuff there. However, if this works, I want my name inscribed on a rock with a white crayon.

- Fish

Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:34 pm
by justin.payne
You know i'm in. Also, Fish....I have the perfect rock picked out.

Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:15 pm
by FarPastGone
Fish wrote:Scott H., Lance J., etc. (sorry but I forget exactly who) worked on getting the Corps to set up the site at Dierks
Heath Day and Jason Mellor helped as well.

If everyone gets involved that Fish mentioned that is basically like the Midwest/Midsouth/whatever ya'll like to be called around here, all star roster.


Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:32 pm
by unicorn
ok I've been doing some research and it doesn't look like the AEP/SWEPCO has done any whitewater related stuff before now, but if there is a way to get it done, I think it's through here:" onclick=";return false;

we're gonna have to have a damn good plan though. Victor- how do you wanna proceed?

Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 11:23 am
by Victor Caballeros
That is the web site now look at the recreation plan and they have done this and they have water release time in there for Virginia Etc....

Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:15 am
by Ben Rodda
Hey just wanted to see where we are and what we need to do next?

Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:24 pm
by bradswatts
I work outages for several different power plants. I have run this section about 2 1/2 years ago. One of the employees from the plant ran us off and said the water temp was dangerous. Which it wasn't it was nice with it being winter time. Anyways, working in plants like this all over the US. One huge issue getting this process going would be with plant safety department. If you can't get them on board you won't stand a chance. They can over ride any of the management if they aren't down. I would start with safety first, and then move up the chain. Good luck.


Re: surfing Swepco in Gentry

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:58 pm
by A Savage spanke
I just went to dierks for the first time, and it was incredible. If we have the water and gradient to make that happen, it should be done. The only thing that would have made dierks better is 75 degree water and a half hour drive from fayetteville. Keep it up guys, if you need any help let me know.