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Re: Wakarusa Music Festival - volunteer ACC for FREE ADMISSION!
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:57 am
by Fish
I'm behind on answering PM's, will catch up today. If I have an email address for you, you should be getting an email this week if you're on the official volunteer list. I'll post here too when I send it out, so watch for this thread.
Re: Wakarusa Music Festival - volunteer ACC for FREE ADMISSION!
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:47 pm
by Jody
Reserved RV Upgrade for sale.
PREMIUM real estate!
These sites sold out in 8 minutes.
350 bucks will get you, two vehicles, and 9 more of your fortunate friends SHADE and SHOWERS. It's the way to go if you want to enjoy Wakarusa in style and more importantly, COMFORT.
Re: Wakarusa Music Festival - volunteer ACC for FREE ADMISSION!
Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:36 am
by Fish
OK, I just sent out an important email to all Wakarusa volunteers. Check your email box today and if you have volunteered but didn't get an email, post here or PM or email me and we'll get you on the list.
By the way, we have two tents for sure now. Thanks to everyone who volunteered. This is going to be a great deal for ACC!
- Fish
Re: Wakarusa Music Festival - volunteer ACC for FREE ADMISSION!
Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:21 pm
Sent you a PM a while back. Heres my info again
Name: Loren Bates
Age: 23
Phone: 479-426-2988
I would be able to work whenever.
Re: Wakarusa Music Festival - volunteer ACC for FREE ADMISSION!
Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:55 pm
by canoe
Hey Fish i did not get any thing and send for wayne and Rocky to me also we are the ones who vol for sat and sun Pam Barton
Re: Wakarusa Music Festival - volunteer ACC for FREE ADMISSION!
Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:57 am
by Fish
Anyone have Waka tickets they're wanting to sell? I have someone who is not a volunteer who wants to buy some. Thought maybe we had some folks who didn't need them now.
- Fish
Re: Wakarusa Music Festival - volunteer ACC for FREE ADMISSION!
Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:29 pm
by canoe
again fish I have nothing???????????????????????Pam
Re: Wakarusa Music Festival - volunteer ACC for FREE ADMISSION!
Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 10:30 am
by thewesg
Just wondering how we are supposed to get into the festival if we are signed up as volunteers. Are we just showing up at the gates and give them a name. Is ACC meeting up before the festival or at the gate at a certain time. Concerned -Wesley Goad
Re: Wakarusa Music Festival - volunteer ACC for FREE ADMISSION!
Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 11:52 am
by Fish
Man, I really hate to have to write this out here. Believe me, I've worked some kind of hard in the past several days to make it work, but the ACC will not be formally volunteering for Wakarusa this year (or possibly ever). I know this stinks for all of the great folks who volunteered. I've got dozens of hours invested into it myself. I'm just disgusted with the entire thing really.
So what happened you ask? The original deal that was communicated to me and to the NW Chapter at our meeting was that Wakarusa would set everything up and all we would do is sell the beer. In return, we got free admission and free beer. That's what I told all of you guys. Every question I asked about it, I got the same answers. Sounds great. Then Wakarusa sent me the "Service Contract" for the event. I'd be happy to share it with you if you want to email me (if you're curious), but it was a different animal entirely. How different? First ACC would be liable for all equipment, inventory (kegs of beer), and for any underage drinking. In other words, if anything got broke or came up missing, we owed Wakarusa for it. If anyone served someone underage, we would take the heat. And we are responsible for any unsold inventory at the end of the day - partially full kegs. Also, there is no free beer. Zero. It says that in the contract, and if we try to cheat the system, we can't. We have to pay for any beer consumed, since we essentially have to purchase the inventory and make up for any that is missing. Even the hours I was told we would have to work were wrong - off by one hour. Which stinks since I developed an entire schedule based on what I was told. I think it was just ignorance of the contract on the part of Waka's AR representative that caused this, but I advised Waka as nicely as I could to get their act together better in the future...
Believe me, as upset as I was about it, I tried to work it out with Wakarusa. I knew there were a bunch of folks really counting on volunteering. But it's not going to work, and even if it did, it's hard to trust them that we'd raise the kind of money they told us we would, so the upside of this for ACC is questionable to say the least. Heck, I wouldn't personally sign this contract at all, unless I was a very experienced beer vendor maybe!
Again, I am deeply sorry we couldn't get this worked out, and I know it leaves some folks in a lurch in terms of Waka tickets and such. Please don't shoot the messenger. If you want to give Waka a piece of your mind, I don't blame you. I figure it won't help anything, so I kept my cussing to a minimum with them. But boy, was it tempting! If you need to vent on me, I can take it too. Wish I could do more than that for everyone out there who volunteered... if anyone has any ideas, let me know and I'll try.
Sincerely and regretfully,
Re: Wakarusa Music Festival - volunteer ACC for FREE ADMISSION!
Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 12:24 pm
by Kim Tucker
Fish, I'm so sorry that you've had to deal with this kind of frustration and hassle. I know that you went the extra mile and made the right call. Thanks for everything you do!
Re: Wakarusa Music Festival - volunteer ACC for FREE ADMISSION!
Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 2:28 pm
by Dannyboy
Hey brother, thanks for all your hard work on behalf of the club and those of us that were droolin' over free beer and admission.. kudos for even TRYING to put it all together. OK, so I have to pay my own way.. that frees me up to catch all the bands I wanted, hang with my friends, and chase all the hippie skirt I want... that's not a bad deal either LOL Find me at the show and you'll get at least one free
for your effort! Thanks buddy.
Re: Wakarusa Music Festival - volunteer ACC for FREE ADMISSION!
Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 3:00 pm
by prophet
thanks for the effort Fish. knowing what the details are, maybe we can watch this year and try to determine if its worth it for next year.
i'll try to keep a close eye on the
Re: Wakarusa Music Festival - volunteer ACC for FREE ADMISSION!
Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 4:06 pm
by canoe
Thanks for all you tried to do. I'm just glad all this came to lite before we got into deep dooooo. Sorry for all your wasted time that sucks. but, we do appreciate everything and your hard work.. I need to pack for the Middle fork trip any way so no big deal to me ... Thanks man .... Good luck in KC Pam
Re: Wakarusa Music Festival - volunteer ACC for FREE ADMISSION!
Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 4:46 pm
by turboturtle
Thanks for all the hard work Fish. I'll be owing you a brewsky for your efforts. It was a pretty selfless act to get that committed too. Shame as most know lots about how to make beer disappear. Just not profiting off it doing so.
Re: Wakarusa Music Festival - volunteer ACC for FREE ADMISSION!
Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 7:19 pm
by Ryan Center
Yes, thanks for all your time you put in this Fish. You seem to always out do yourself and pull things together. Sorry this didn't work out.
Here, this is for you man