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Re: Dallas Whitewater Park Closed

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:40 am
by Justinb83
I was there this morning from 930 ish to 1115ish. Construction crew was there but they where cool, though I didn't drive in but parked at dart and walked.

Re: Dallas Whitewater Park Closed

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:50 pm
by gannon311
i have sent a friend request to jonathan betz on facebook.i really do hope he things im someone who likes him!!!it just poped up on my phone he accepted me.............. i will get back with yall in a min. see what he sayes and might have to get redneck on his a$$ if he doesnt see it our way :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

Re: Dallas Whitewater Park Closed

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:30 pm
by gannon311
this is what i posed on his wall. ill let yall know if he replys

Let me start saying I totally expect u to take this off your page ,but that will show how spineless of a journalist you are.I'm am not going to say any more negative words than just did a story on the DWP posted below. this is a completely one sided story of the accounts of three people, one of which is a novice whitewater kayaker that claimed you interviewed him for 45 min. and took a very small section of what he said( and the only negative thing) and turned it around to make it sound like he was against the park. that is not what journalism is about, it is about educating the public on what is really said and not turning it around for your or your stations agenda . i see you have a degree from Syracuse U so u must be a smart guy. any smart person would do more research on something like this.there are thousands of WHITEWATER PADDLERS that would flock to Dallas for the park. now because of your story and the BS your edit team did to the one guy paddling there that day its closed. the tax dollars are not wasted! there is a whitewater park . it is a simple fix ,post signs letting paddler know proper gear need and hazards. that simple!!!! these rapids are class 1+/2. yes people can get hurt on it and yes im sure they about u do a story on the dangers of an area lake or all the DA drivers y'all have in Dallas. all i'm getting at is your story is completely one sided bullsh!t. there are lots of people that put lots of time in to the park and some so-called journalist with some agenda is doing his best to shine negative light on the park. all i ask is that u give the people all of the info positive and negative and give them a fair chance to see the way it really is.
thank you for your time if u made it to here if not it would be expected!!!

Re: Dallas Whitewater Park Closed

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:46 pm
by gannon311
Jonathan Betz Jeff- I'm sorry you have an issue with the story. If you want to write personal attacks on my facebook page, go ahead. However, we do not have an agenda. The facts are very clear: the city of Dallas closed the park because the city decided (long before our story) that it is dangerous, and the city is spending more money to fix it. That is what our story was about

Re: Dallas Whitewater Park Closed

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:26 pm
by JeffT
I was planning on 3-4 family trips down there per year. Usually 2 nights in a motel per trip and eating nice food every night. Maybe some visits to places like the 6th floor museum, Dallas world aquarium, two excellent zoos, etc in the mix. My daughter wants to eat at the medieval knights place.
Dallas is missing out on some tourism dollars and doesn't even know it.

Re: Dallas Whitewater Park Closed

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:29 am
by justin.payne
Badass Gannon! What a tool facebook is these days!

Re: Dallas Whitewater Park Closed

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:40 pm
by tomOzarkVideo
JeffT wrote:I was planning on 3-4 family trips down there per year. Usually 2 nights in a motel per trip and eating nice food every night. Maybe some visits to places like the 6th floor museum, Dallas world aquarium, two excellent zoos, etc in the mix. My daughter wants to eat at the medieval knights place.
Dallas is missing out on some tourism dollars and doesn't even know it.
If 1/2 of the 614 paid households in the ACC did the same thing.

roughly 300 people/families.

3 trips per year

2 nights in a hotel per trip average = 1,800 Hotel nights annually

2 meals per day (Packed lunch at the park for #3) 2,600 restaurant visits annually

Thats just food & lodging for 1/2 of the paid ACC members (over 3000 people on the message board)

Re: Dallas Whitewater Park Closed

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:13 pm
by JTarver
I'm with Jeff...I had planned on at least 2-3 trips there this year as soon as it opened up! This is garbage and the fear mongering by the media makes me sick. You're right Matt, they should've spent the money for plastic bubbles for resident "Indoorsy" folks who are bitterly afraid of nature getting all over them or something. What a flock of gutless turds in a brand new punchbowl.
If I end up heading that way, I'm taking my boat and paddling regardless of the stipulations. If I make the trip, the only thing that's gonna stop me from launching is a lack of water, or probably turret mounted machine guns.

Hey James R, I think it's time for some in-depth reporting from the arkansas branch of the news. See of we can't help get the story straight for the masses. Besides, aren't you like Tom Brokaw now? :poke:

I'm sending emails tomorrow more than likely, at least get my gripe in there. I hope everyone else does the same.

Re: Dallas Whitewater Park Closed

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:13 pm
by MaxTexan
A handful of trips for me also..... At once one nioghts lodging, meals, gas... Oh well !

Re: Dallas Whitewater Park Closed

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:27 am
by gannon_w
justin.payne wrote:Badass Gannon! What a tool facebook is these days!

I'm badass? YES!...oh wait you're talking about the other Gannon :(

Re: Dallas Whitewater Park Closed

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:44 am
by Clyde hall
I too have sent emails to the reporter and the City Managers. Hope it helps!