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Re: The Dutch Oven Cook-off Is ON For Revdezvous

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:58 am
by Crane
As I said: "All contestants are urged to cook with a goal of having substantial portions left over to be shared at the community dinner..." Crane

Re: The Dutch Oven Cook-off Is ON For Revdezvous

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:35 pm
by Jeremy M
see, i knew i should've read the whole thread.... :oops:

Thanks Crane for heading this is MUCH appreciated.

-grasshopper :oops:

Re: The Dutch Oven Cook-off Is ON For Revdezvous

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:57 am
by Crane
FYI... This year the Dutch Oven Cookoff will actually have a professional helping our usual crew of enthusiastic eaters judge the competition. We'll release more info later, but be ADVISED that you need to put on your best game so as not to embarrass the club... Roger. The rest of you know that you'll do your usual fabulous job and we'll all be proud:) Crane

Re: The Dutch Oven Cook-off Is ON For Revdezvous

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:04 pm
by Roger
Did you miss the post where I said I was passing this year's comp, Mr. Crane? :poke: Gonna let somebody else win!! :clap:

Re: The Dutch Oven Cook-off Is ON For Revdezvous

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:09 pm
by Crane
... can't take the heat.

Re: The Dutch Oven Cook-off Is ON For Revdezvous

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:40 pm
by Roger
I can take the heat but I'm not taking the bait!!!

Re: The Dutch Oven Cook-off Is ON For Revdezvous

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:13 pm
by texasannie52
I've cooked in several dutch oven cook offs, even wrote a cook book - but the best thing I remember about the best cook off was we all cooked the same foods, i.e., chili, cornbread, peach cobbler and there was plenty to go around later... what about that? lol. Of course, being in Arkansas, I'm thinking you Hogs would put way to much hot sauce in the chili and no one could eat it. Better to stay with the original plan, cook what you want to eat and just make sure it tastes good!

Re: The Dutch Oven Cook-off Is ON For Revdezvous

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:16 pm
by Crane
Annie, It's somewhat surprising that a Texan could be so perceptive:) Load up your Dutch Oven and come on up for Rendezvous. You'll be welcome!! And, you might... mighty might... win another Cookoff... or just have a good time doing your best in tough competition:)

(At this point I would note that I won a Chili Cookoff about a year ago with a very tasty and delicate White Chicken Chili in honor of my Kickball Team, the Drunken Roosters. I have also won the ACC Rendezvous DO Cookoff, but some (Runner-up Roger) contest that win due to the final judge voting allegedly being biased towards sugar. I applauded his discriminating taste. I haven't writen a cookbook, but I used one once... when I was young. Neither Roger, a former Champ, nor I will be entering the DO Cookoff this year... so if you come to cook DO, you'll at least have a chance;)

Re: The Dutch Oven Cook-off Is ON For Revdezvous

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:06 pm
by Tim Eubanks
[quote="Crane"](At this point I would note that I won a Chili Cookoff about a year ago with a very tasty and delicate White Chicken Chili in honor of my Kickball Team, the Drunken Roosters. I have also won the ACC Rendezvous DO Cookoff, quote]

Blah, blah, blah. Back in '78 we won the state(insert favorite sport) championship against (insert favored-to-win team) when I made a last second (insert sport appropriate term) with 3 defenders hanging off me. But I won't be competing this year due to my bum (insert knee/elbow/shoulder). Ya'll have fun. :poke:

Delicate chicken chilli? Please, Larry.

Re: The Dutch Oven Cook-off Is ON For Revdezvous

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:02 pm
by okieboater
Crane, I have enjoyed a lot of your river cooking.
Very tasty.
The word "delicate" however, does not come to mind!!!!!!!

Re: The Dutch Oven Cook-off Is ON For Revdezvous

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:09 pm
by Tim Eubanks
Edible? Palatable? Digestable? Food-like?
We need details.
Delicate and "chilli" don't belong in the same sentence. :hammer:

Re: The Dutch Oven Cook-off Is ON For Revdezvous

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:19 pm
by fryingsquirrel
Tim, I think the term "delicate" refers to the manner in which you take a seat after eating Crane's chili :poke:

Re: The Dutch Oven Cook-off Is ON For Revdezvous

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:17 am
by Crane
Trash-talk if you will... and you will... but that White Chicken Chili recipe is pretty darned good! As organizer of the DO Cookoff, I shouldn't compete... but, I may just throw a dish together for fun to cook at the event to quiet the talk. I assume all of you who have been talking trash intend to back it up by entering the Cookoff...?? Or, are you just talk?

Re: The Dutch Oven Cook-off Is ON For Revdezvous

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:42 am
by okieboater
For many years I did the home made chili deal with all the secret spices and prep. All day deal and worth the work in my opinion.

Then my dutch oven guru bud, Vernon Seaman cooked up and gave me a fast cooking all from cans and jars recipe that has passed my wife's test as "Dave your chili cooking has really improved" test.

Proving once again, sometimes when it comes to cooking tasty food, we make it harder than we need to.

Re: The Dutch Oven Cook-off Is ON For Revdezvous

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:48 am
by Crane
Dave, if you're not going to compete with it this year, please post the recipe so others can enjoy it! (Of course, it would be poor form for someone to use it to compete against you!)