Little Missouri Narrows paddle Friday June 17

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Marlo Krueger
Posts: 46
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Name: Marlo B. Krueger
Location: Benton, AR

Re: Little Missouri Narrows paddle Friday June 17

Post by Marlo Krueger » Sat Jun 18, 2011 11:16 am

A good day was had by all! They were 15 minutes late blowing the whistle. During that time, we learned from one of the local fishing guides that they have added a line of large boulders between the dam and the put in to improve the fish habitat, but once the flow gets going it supposedly causes some good waves. Access available on foot via an old logging road or by paddling up there before the whistle blows. It definately slows the flow of water and the view of the base of the dam from the put in.

Supposedly they were running 3 generators, but I think they started with just 2 generators as the guide mentioned they had done a time or two lately. We kept outrunning the water and having to wait on it. I'm used to floating this stretch with 15-20 people, most wanting to surf the waves, which slows down the pack. With just 5 of us, there wasn't much surfing going on. There was a little eddying out and ferrying practice. No incidents or swims. Blake eddied out once and set his boat down too soon and flipped. His initial reaction was to pull his skirt, but he decided to try to roll and hit it perfectly. His first unassisted combat roll. :clap: :clap: The rest of the trip was completely uneventful.

It really is a beautiful stretch of water, but there are more new, big houses on the banks. Nothing else new about the stretch. After work Gary joined us at OOO, and several folks donated to Don's cause...helmet, shirts, etc. Then we all convoyed to Fisherman's Wharf for supper. No matter what happens on the water, we always eat well. Blake enjoyed his first taste of Gary and Karla's calimari and Wayne's swordfish. Wayne was going to have steak, but was afraid it would be a let-down after our last steak at Wiedekehr's in Altus. :drool:

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Name: Karla R.
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Re: Little Missouri Narrows paddle Friday June 17

Post by Karla » Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:46 pm

Nice, well done trip report Marlo. :clap:

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Re: Little Missouri Narrows paddle Friday June 17

Post by EMTyak » Sun Jun 19, 2011 12:47 am

That pretty much sums up the trip Marlo. Nicely put!

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