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Re: Eagles and Icicles Float Trip, Sat Jan 31st

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:22 am
by kru1
It was another successful E&I. We could have used more sun, only caught a glimpse it right at the end. However, the rain held off and it was in the mid 40s. Much better then the earlier prediction of 100% chance of rain and highs in the low 30s. This was my 5th year on E&I and I have never seen the water that low. With a few scrapes all of us got down the river just fine.

We started with 14 boats (4 of which were/are new boaters in the ACC) and ended with 10. We didn't loose them, they just came to primarily fish and once they found their hole, they stayed behind. I was ready to lead the shorter 4 mile float, but there was nearly a unanimous vote to float the 8 mile section so that is what most of did.

I promised icicles and we didn't see one, however, this is the first year that I saw eagles. I ended up seeing two and others saw 3 or 4. All and all it was a nice leisure float down the White River. Thanks to OMTC for hosting us in the am and providing doughnuts, coffee, and water on the float. Thanks also to Keagan for running shuttle.

Until next year,

Re: Eagles and Icicles Float Trip, Trip Report

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 7:02 pm
by geo adams
Curtis, great meeting you too. Definitely, lets hit the water again. Now we wait for rain.


Re: Eagles and Icicles Float Trip, Trip Report

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:28 pm
by silvercobra
Had fun, thanks everyone. Really appreciate Ozark Mountain Trading Company for taking me and my kayak back to my car.

I haven't finished all the pictures yet, should tomorrow. Attaching a few starter pictures though, if it works, and our trip details from my app.

Re: Eagles and Icicles Float Trip, Trip Report

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:53 pm
by cpresoz
Jeremy, your pics are amazing. I'm looking forward to others. It was great spending the day with you. Hey, now I know for sure that it's not 8 miles!

Re: Eagles and Icicles Float Trip, Trip Report

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:17 pm
by silvercobra
Here are the rest of the pictures: ... 9rNstHb6QE

I attached a few more. The first eagle was when we were putting in, really far off. Second and third I got decent pictures of and I believe I saw a fourth when we were taking out but it was really far off and I had already packed up my camera.

Also there are a few pictures when I was testing my new teleconverter, just of some geese. There were so few I tossed them in with these.

If you want any full size pictures to print let me know your email or send me a message on here and I can email them to you.

Hope you enjoy ^_^