2-day L-4 SWR at SSKP NOV 1st & 2nd

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Name: RobB
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Re: 2-day L-4 SWR at SSKP NOV 1st & 2nd

Post by Robbie » Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:45 am

Well said Cory. I'll add my kudos to Steve and RobM for a job very well done. And thanks to Stephen for being there ready to generously lend some gear I needed, adding safety, and being an extra victim to practice saving. :clap:

I really didn't know what to expect from the course, but can honestly say that I learned FAR more than I imagined, and that the course is worth EVERY penny (not to mention we get half back from ACC - thank you very much). For those who haven't taken the course, what are you waiting for, someone to get in serious trouble and the realization that you don't know what to do? :NoNo:

In addition to the skills and knowledge learned in the course, I came away with a new respect for moving water. Before the course, I'd been a little too cavalier in my attitude about water safety. Also, the course gave me a more discerning view of who I want to paddle with. I know that Cory, Michelle, Brian, Cody and John all have my back. I'll paddle with them any day! Thanks for a great time everyone!

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